Jordan and bird would be insane alone…both individually capable of carrying teams, for multiple seasons.

LeBron has more physical advantages, but Jordan and bird are pure skill.

This is good.

It’s always sad to see those cat owners who just shrug their shoulders at bad behavior and say “what are you gunna do? They can’t be trained”


Cats are capable of learning, they simply lack the drive to please you like many dog breeds.

Checked Wikipedia and he either edited it, or he’s right…I can’t believe the guy in the video is younger than 40.

Tell him, also: ask how he’s showering, and when the last time he changed his loofah/scrubber etc

So it’s not that Greece is broke, it’s that the country is brimming with tax cheats

Look at marriage on the Middle East: marriage was a culturally acceptable method for selling off a prepubescent daughter for money/favors…

Oh no, sorry, I think your guess is valid, I’m saying whatever reasoning the hospitals are using is bullshit…

The parents should be charged if they don’t want to hold their baby.

So it’s ok to override that with money?


The baby needs its mother, and her breastmilk kickstarts and supercharges the baby’s immune system.

Probably because you have a strong inclination to not be drowned by a crowd of people after the inevitable crash/sinking.

Not even the boats know what a queue is…

India seems to be a country hamstrung by their own culture.

Either no rules, or rules that are ignored with zero enforcement.

Confused how interference in an official proceeding for personal gain is an official presidential act…

Seems like I see videos and stories posted weekly about people having their cars broken into and their things, sometimes livelihoods, stolen…and these fascist shitheads are going after a guy eating a sandwich…

There needs to be caps on rent tied to minimum wage (hear me out):

No more than 30% of after tax income for every 500sqft of rental space.

$15/hr is approx $2400/mo, and roughly $2300 after taxes, so that would be $690 for every 500 square feet of space.

Landlords crying out: “What about luxury rentals? I can’t make my mortgage payment”

They would still be desirable: sell them at fair market value.

No one should aspire to be a landlord: it’s a return to feudalism.

Why 500sq/ft? If a space is too small, it increases clutter and stress. Stressed people (with higher levels of cortisol) have a weakened immune system and are more susceptible to physical diseases and mental health problems. People in tiny 300-400sq/ft apartments don’t live as long and have a higher propensity for getting sick.

Reproducing is the only metric on which evolution is tested.

Human society creates artificial conditions for success that would be irrelevant for other animals, but are the basis of our civilization (like literacy/technology).

We’re also going backwards in some ways: states that force women to carry the child of their rapist to term are increasing the population of sexual predators.

There’s zero information on the murder about him being incompetent: and if he was, he should have been pushed out of the program long before.

There are horror stories in EVERY university of phd candidates being exploited by professors, stalling graduates for basically free labor.

This guy was basically a slave for 20 years to a system that exploited him.

I feel about as bad for the professor as I would about the death of white plantation owners at the hands of their slaves.

You don’t have to physically harm someone to abuse them.

My gf got her masters, and her sister got her PhD: many professors abuse the fuck out of grad students in a myriad of ways and delay their academic progress while exploiting them.

This shit still happens…I’m not saying it’s 2-decades long, but that’s insane: he already served a prison sentence in academia. If his entire aspiration was to be a PhD student, I’m sure it would have been fine, but that was clearly purgatory.

Would you just walk away from a PhD at an Ivey league institution in a program you already spent longer than most marriages?

People in authority (managers, administrators, professors) have an obligation to help people succeed, and it’s glaringly clear that they failed.

“Just leave”

Literally avoids any and all accountability on behalf of the people running the program.

See that would make sense. What blows me away is that it’s fucking Stanford: nobody was advocating for this guy (why is he still a grad student? What has been blocking his PhD?)

Genuinely curious where and why the stupid human instinct of “I really want to pet that” started, and why it’s so persistent.

Elephant? Could crush a person easily and probably break a limb with just its trunk: the moment I see one, I want to pet it. Same thing with a horse: one swift kick and it would be lights out, but I want to pet it.