No it’s not it’s a weird Seattle subreddit thing lol

Well break up with him so he can find a woman who is willing to do the butt things he wants to do

So you opted to make spaghetti instead? Idk seems very counter intuitive and like you need to set some boundaries

Just be honest, if your girlfriend isn’t cool with it then either pick your girlfriends comfort or hanging out with your best friend

Lmao so your husband experimented with some drugs as a teen and has found an outlet for stress in his combat sports

You are an idiot

Jfc none of you mfers answering the question

  1. Riff raff
  2. Drake
  3. T.I.
  4. Travis Scott
  5. 50 cent

Move on, he sounds shifty with his intentions and if things become intimate I can imagine he’s just going to become more confusing and it’s going to suck because he lives in your complex

It’s like he wants to keep you floating around him until it’s convenient for him to make a move

Sounds like he wants to have an intimate relationship with you without having to commit to you

Like maybe he just wants to sleep with you, hold your hand, and cuddle with you, but without having to be your boyfriend

Just let them know is so hectic that you don’t think you’ll have time for cafe sessions with them but don’t let that deter them from enjoying themselves

If they want to read into it that’s on them, but just saying that these cafe sessions wouldn’t fit into your schedule is 100 percent valid and understandable

Just give a simple reply like “oh no I’m okay yall have fun, I’m really tired and going to rest”

Which wouldn’t be a lie per se as it sounds like you just don’t have the bandwidth for this guy anyways

Damn dude he’s old enough to be your dad but he’s also an enabler, sounds like it isn’t even a sugar daddy situation if he’s complaining about gas in his car, I don’t see any reason for you to continue this relationship it sounds like he’s wasting your youth

Why not? You put in your post about putting your foot down

I think you can easily sit him down and communicate how you feel and tell him you’re not trying to change him per se but you’d like to see him make an effort to work through some of his issues and if he’s open to trying therapy