We've been together about 2 months.

This is a follow-up question to my previous post , about him making me self-conscious / insecure about my speaking habit and face. It seems like he's displaying signs of being emotionally abusive / controlling. While I definitely recognize the signs, I don't want to throw it out the window just yet. Not to say that "I can fix him" but is there any chance that things could still work out if I put my foot my down, or nip the problems in the bud?

I also read through the book that was recommended. Things he checks off are:

  • Tries to control/fix lots of little things about my life.
  • Love-bombing maybe? (A lot of words, trying to spend a lot of time together, not necessarily gifts)
  • Trying to move things along very fast. (I've been telling him to slow down and he's sort of slowed down... )
  • Excessively complimenting my looks - at the same time always finding some issue on my face. (see previous post for details)
  • Occasional disrespectful comment towards something I said. (see previous post for details)
  • Guilt-tripping. (We spend 3-4 evenings a week together, and stay over 1-2 nights. I wouldn't really call him needy, but he makes me feel guilty that I want a few nights quiet to myself or can't pick up the phone immediately because I was doing something, etc )

He has also said on multiple occasions that I should tell him if there is anything I want him to change. There are a couple of things he has definitely changed for me - and I know he has been trying to rearrange a lot of things in his life to make more time for me. He isn't self-centered in the sense that we are always doing things he enjoys. He doesn't put his exes down, or put them on a pedestal. There are no signs of him trying to disconnect me from friends and family. He doesn't demand anything of me, rather just appreciates anything I do for him.

Surely if the "bad" things are things he does subconsciously, are habits of his so-to-say, then there must be a way around them?

Tl;dr: I am aware of the bad signs but want to at least give it a shot and want some advice on what, how, anectdotal experiences, when to call it quits, please?