I 27F have been single for about two years now. I've dated people casually on and off and l've found out that I sexual compatibility is extremely important for me. I recently started a relationship with the sweetest best guy I’ve known 29M. but the sexual chemistry isn't there. I've tried to work around it, but it just seems like we don't click in that way. What happens to me is that I get frustrated when I feel dissatisfied sexually and I loose interest in sex overall. The way I see it, I could just use my vibrator if I want to have an orgasm. So having sex knowing I won't have an orgasm feels kinda pointless to me. I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, sometimes you don't have an orgasm and that's fine. But when the norm is feeling dissatisfied and like it doesn't flow, I just feel extremely sad, disappointed and frustrated. Has anyone felt this way? I feel shallow letting go of a good guy for this reason. But l've tried communicating and teaching and it does not work. It makes me feel like we don’t connect.