:LAC: Los Angeles, CA :CA:

Not sure but I do know who to thank

♉️ sun ♏️ moon ♐️ rising

Haha me and my Cancer man when we have a “heated” moment

Him: frustrated, emotional meltdown

Me: shut down until pushed too far too long, then just STOMP STOMP I HAVE NO FEELINGS THIS IS HOW REALITY IS

When really we both are just too sensitive 🥺

Thankfully we’re so sympatico that it’s rare! And eager to resolve and get along in harmony 🪴

Ding dong, what’s that? The doorbell! Go check… leave the sandwich.


Sweet babies!!

He needed a good pup mom to take care of him

And he needed your love to feel calm and safe and strong 🩵🩷

Perhaps my most trafficked stretch when I want to do groceries/dinner and a movie/mall type shopping, a good hub to other things mid-city/Wilshire/Melrose 👍🏽

My go to movie theater if I’m not going to see something special up at the Chinese Theater

Now that you’re pregnant he throws away cherished possessions. For some reason he is with a woman 15 years younger than him.

Please tell me you see this for what it is. There was nothing well intentioned behind this behavior; it’s simply something you don’t do to a person you respect or value. Now you’re pregnant and he thinks you’re stuck with him. He doesn’t get to decide what is and isn’t important to you.

There will be other events like this in the future.

Do not get over it, let your eyes stay wide open.

My sister, 12 years younger than me so she’s a cool 20 something, loved this. I tried to plan a whole lot of dramatic fun stuff, but I could tell the highlight was this day. She got to do all her hip shopping, and then in the evening we took her to the Arclight on Sunset and saw a movie.

And I guess she wore all her Fairfax/Melrose gear back at college, so that made me the cool older sibling for a while 😂🩷

Honestly, it’s just part of a walk. I think it’s pretty cool and I like seeing the excavation, the pits themselves, and I enjoyed going through the museum the one time I did. I think going around that whole area and stopping in at one of them (the Academy Museum!) is worth your time. Seeing the outdoor exhibits and art are worth it if you’re looking for something to do.

I know it’s always a go to recommendation, but I would say the Getty Center

He can get up to the museum without mobility stress, and the view to the ocean from up there is hard to beat. He can see a big view of his city. And there’s plenty of seating and food up there.

I would say just keep getting to know each other, but you seem to have judged her in a dismissive and superior kind of way. Just spare you both since you’ve already said here you don’t think you’re compatible and just move on.

Don’t stay with her because she’ll always be there for you if you think your depth is superior to hers. That makes you sound shallow.

♉️ sun ♏️ moon ♐️ rising


In Taurus “Nobody’s wrong stupid opinion matters, I’ve already tuned you out, 🥐🪴😌”


(Hahahaha kidding)

Mozza, the Albright

“I’m really enjoying dating and getting closer, and I’m looking forward to what we’ve planned in the future, but I’m not ready to talk about marriage yet.”

Or, when you’re ready to have a full on conversation

“I want a life-long relationship, but I feel I’m not in a place to set a timeline for that right now. I’m 25, and there’s a lot I want to do before I plan for marriage.”

And after you tell her you’re not ready to talk marriage and she brings it up again

“I hear how you feel, but talking about marriage makes me uncomfortable.”

If she pushes or says she’s tired of waiting or anything else reasonable (and it is reasonable when you’ve been together a substantial amount of time), ask to set a time for the discussion and then have a serious discussion.

Don’t give the cop out statements when you clearly feel under pressure. And honestly, it’s probably for the best you address this head on today.

And she is going to be SO HAPPY when you are reunited

And so are you 🩷☺️

Unless you want to spend money on an expensive dinner somewhere, I’d write off the celebrity thing. And even then.

Day 3 I’d say go to Fairfax, see LACMA (the lights or what’s available), the tar pits, walk up to The Grove (you’ve seen it in lots of your favorite TV shows/movies … and I guess there’s always a chance of seeing a celeb there, I nearly bumped into Tom Felton because I was late for a movie). Get lunch at the Farmer’s Market, do some window shopping, and then keep heading north up Fairfax to Melrose. You’ll pass a bunch of famous shops, and maybe there will be some huge sneaker drop idk what the kids are up to.

Then there are lots of fun stores on Melrose and places to stop for more trendy snacks.

What kind of nightlife? What kind of activity?

What a mess

Have an honest conversation about what you want, how you see the future, what she wants and what timeline she’s on, and if she so plainly wants to get married and she’s 10+ years older, just go ahead and break up.

In future, when you’ve only been dating a year and you aren’t on the same page, don’t go all out and then end with a whimper because that does look ridiculous. You had the power to control how much you spent on this weekend.

Also if after a year of dating hanging out for three days seems like too much (a weekend!), take that as a sign.

♉️ sun ♏️ moon ♐️ rising

This is me, personally lol

That’s what I thought this was at a glance

Khachapuri, mmm… 🤤

Congratulations on the wedding!!

Your baby will be okay! But I so feel you; the first time I left my dude (with a best friend! For just a week, lol), I dropped him off and then burst into tears 😂🩵

:LAC: Los Angeles, CA :CA:

Thankfully he’s never worn board shorts and flip flops to Thanksgiving.