So what, we’re supposed to coddle them as a result? Oh poor you, you can’t express your emotions so I have to read your mind and then take care of you like a baby/be a servant and miss out entirely on my vacation? F that.


Go enjoy the sights while you leave him in quiet “so he can recuperate”

  1. Why do you think Elle is high strung rude and smug? Do you know her or is it his report to you that those are her qualities? Also she is an executive. Aren’t all male executives also high strung rude and smug (but not deserving childish pranks?

  2. Absolutely categorical harassment. He should 100% be fired. She can make a complaint for (depending on where) 18 months.

  3. He’s also a misogynist dick. A complete loser.

I get it. Sometimes you’re in a relationship where you’re better at seeing their side than are at seeing your side. And then when you start feeling like it’s not fair you aren’t sure and wonder if the problem is you.

The way OP writes is a bit shady though. It’s very one sided. Hard to believe the in laws were that cruel and it took this situation to do something about it?

  1. A lot of people are commenting on whether your desire to work is logical. It totally is, and given the comments nothing to add.

  2. Is it mean to laugh. Ok this one is tough. Objectively yes. He probably genuinely wants to take care of you etc and his intention is good. But. The fact that we (as women) have to live in a world where we have to coddle the feelings of someone who says something that has no logic but would generally feel hurt if we don’t coddle them, gives me the perspective that it’s ok to laugh.

I found an app to keep a kind of live grocery list (to avoid the aforementioned out of toilet paper situation) and the resistance/feigned incompetence was…tiresome.

On Friday we were getting low on toilet paper, I mentioned it to my husband. On Monday, same. Tuesday I get home from work (I work until around 6, he until 2) and I say did you buy toilet paper. Note. He does the grocery shopping. Answer : “no one told me I had to buy it”.

Also the other day he was looking in the cupboard and he said “we should buy crackers to have on hand” and I said “can you add that to a list for yourself” and he said “you know I don’t make lists”

It’s very common to baptize even if not religious, I went to many baptisms and none of those families are active church members.

On my own side I did not baptize my kids because it seemed hypocritical and something I would only do to please my parents.

(Most people use the excuse that they’re “giving their kid a choice” which makes no sense to me. Can anyone enlighten me on this one?)

If your husband wanted it too, I get it. Or if he thought, well Whatever. But if he’s not into it, you’ll have to let it go and find something else.

Yep I would. If he thought there was nothing wrong with it why would he even tell you?

Anyway, he might be a douchebag for other reasons but no reason to just blow him off yet.

You are not wrong! At all! Liam doesn’t necessarily like you and if he does he probably wouldn’t act on it bc you’re friends and he and bf are friends and even if he acted on it you wouldn’t act on it!

And yes you can take a ride with it being some crazy fuck fest.

Holy jealous.

And everyone else phones die get over it.

And he offered a bunch of other options too, part time work, move. What kind of partner wouldn’t support his dream?

The sex outlet thing is an in the moment thing not a pre-meditated thing. And her logic is basically saying that he can’t be in any place with any female because they might jump him and he’d obviously be fine with it.

Especially as someone who’d clearly had hundreds of partners previously, multiple hookups ready overseas every flight….

Ok ok reading all the responses to my comment, yes you are all correct! True indeed, especially too young to plan too young to marry!

I do get this viewpoint, it’s true she was cut and parents are not being fair but here is a counter view. Maybe the bride is young or generally inexperienced, maybe her friends suck, etc. OP could be the bigger person, or ask for a bigger role. Example : sis, I see you’re struggling and your friends let you down. I can step up, but since I was really hurt by your decision how can I have a role that will be acknowledged? MC for example?

Family does matter, and the sisters wrong isn’t repaired by being cold back.

Good point. I was responding only to the comment about whether one can have drinks with opposite gender.

In the context of this post, the whole thing is shady because they actually do have feelings for one another and hiding the texts makes it so much worse.

He pushed, she didn’t want but agreed bc she thought she’d lose him otherwise. He’s very selfish to act on it and to knowingly hurt her and pretend he can’t see that under the guise of she agreed.

OP it’s going to be really hard for you but you should leave. You’ll be hurt and resentful until you do, so you’ll be prolonging pain if you wait.

Yes exactly. People will use time differently. My sister has strong work ethic/perfectionist when she was a sahm her house was spotless, her kids in 500 sports, volunteered everywhere made homemade pasta, grew a vegetable garden that she’d lovingly teach her kids about, that kind of thing. I have a friend sahm who also hires a sitter and a housekeeper, she smokes a lot of pot and watches a lot of TikTok. Not a one size fits all.

My husband and I go for drinks with members of opposite sex all the time, we’re both just fun loving people who work different schedules and there is 100% trust. And the other partner is always welcome, it’s more about timing, location etc.

My grandmother told me that in the 50s it was more important that housewives iron sheets that nurture their children. So if a neighbour popped over if you were ironing sheets but the baby was wailing in the playpen you’d get respect.

Also don’t give up. Agree about the therapist etc, but keeping dating/spending time with friends etc. Distractions are good!

Disagree. While nice to think that having a conversation will be cathartic from experience the dick knows how to twist the situation and somehow create conditions that make her feel dumb. Complete no contact in this situation.