My husband is sick with a sore throat which is apparently so bad that he will physically spasm if he tries to swallow. As a result, he been either sleeping or laying around on his phone. We are on day 4 of our vacation in a foreign country. He’s taken over the hotel room with his mess and housekeeping can’t even come in because he won’t leave the room.

I’ve been running around all week getting him medicine, porridge, getting us water, etc. I’ve been trying to keep it together and make the best of it, but something just snapped today. We got in a fight. He accused me of not thinking his sickness is a big deal. I told him I don’t think it is but despite that I have been running around like his personal slave regardless. I offered taking him to a clinic or hospital every day and he refuses. If it weren’t for me, he would have refused to get medicine too. He just doesn’t do anything.

He says he’s sorry he can’t meet my standards as if I’m asking so much from him. He says he hasn’t been able to sleep well and he’s in pain so he hasn’t prioritized being a good partner. He says that he appreciates everything I’ve done but I want him to engage and he doesn’t want to and there’s nothing for him to engage with.

After all that he’s suddenly ok to leave the room so housekeeping can clean. I’ve been crying so he left to get food. Housekeeping of course came into the room just after so I had to explain via google translate why I was crying my eyes out. Im so mortified and deflated 😔

Edit: A BIG THANK YOU to everyone for the replies. I really appreciated reading the comments, and I think a kick in the behind was what I needed. I felt super poopy after crying so I took a day to sleep. I think he either found this post or realized just how mad I am because he’s left me alone and also stopped groaning out loud.

For those that suggested getting him meds, he already has pain relievers, lozenges, and throat spray. Since he has the essentials, a working phone, and is a grown adult. I am going to go out by myself tomorrow.

Thank you again for the empathy, and in some cases, the wake up call that we are both adults. I got caught up being so frustrated that I just felt stuck. I’m going to get a big glass of sangria tonight and enjoy tomorrow.