Me and my husband (f23 and m29) have been married a year and I am pregnant with our first child.

We also work extremely different working hours, with him being a typical 9-5 while I work around 3;30/4 am- around 1 pm. I own and am the pastry chef for my bakery. Because of this, I am obviously always home before my husband and do a lot more cooking and cleaning in our house because I have the time to do so.

That said, sometimes when my husband doesn't leave work until 5:30 and then has a 30 min commute that is inevitably made longer because of after work traffic, he doesn't get home until 6:30 or so. So, I usually eat dinner myself and wait around for him. This has become more common since being pregnant and being literally starving every day at 5 pm on the dot lol.

Well, my husband asked me to stop doing this and asked me to just wait for him so we could have dinner together. I told him I did not want to wait until 6:30 to eat so if he could make it a point to leave work on time, then yes. He swore he would.

Well he did not. I waited for him a few times, but I was so annoyed that I was literally having to wait on him all the time that I told him I was not doing it anymore, that I was eating at 5:30 and it was up to him to be sitting with me.

Well I was pleasantly surprised when the next day he was home at 5:30. I waited for him to change and sit with me. Well then suddenly he had to do everything around the house before sitting down. It was so obvious he was just doing it to be petty that I said fine, took my dinner to the couch at ate there.

He was so pissed. He is literally so adamant on eating dinner together and I don't even fucking know why. This could be the pregnancy hormones talking so I am open to heating that I am, in fact, the asshole if that is the case. But idk.