Asshole Enthusiast [7]

Honestly therapy will help her overall as I’m sure FIL will drag this out. But NTA. He’s caused damage and he’s trying to shoo it away w/o recognising his blame in this.

Honestly she could have travelled with you for 640K. Better to find out now than later. Good luck with the job!

At 35, nothing gives me greater joy than ruining a sims life with drugs and whores 😂 being an online troll is despicable up and the husband values bullying over being a father.

For how she acted regarding the mother’s funeral? And then to dump him while he’s still grieving? Sure there’s no good time to do it but it’s one thing after another as far as he’s concerned.

Holy F I missed that the first time. If he died, OOP is beyond cold hearted. I hope he’s in a better place regardless

This is divorce worthy. I can’t imagine how you even heal past this. The betrayal and loss of the ashes.

100%. What a twat. It’s the lack of self awareness of their actions

Which ones get the most replay? Debating a switch for my soon to be 5yr old and the games that he’ll enjoy

So he’s taking your money but also being a racist?

We clearly don’t have the same 24hrs in a day.

He’s got something, I can’t describe it but he’s just got it.

I’ve previously applied but got rejected for my place of birth, despite the fact I haven’t lived there for over 25yrs. Grew up in the uk and then here. Would love to donate if they ever change the rules.

The tldr is twitch dropped him a few years back but no one really knew why while he was live streaming. I guess NDAs have expired and people have started talking about why it happened which was due to him talking to a minor on their platform.

Disrespect posted a statement last week admitting to it. He got dropped by his (or he was part of a) gaming company while on livestream again.

Turns out he’s cheated on his wife before as well and there’s rumours of texting SWs as well.

Asshole Enthusiast [7]

For school related documents, my mother had no idea what I was eligible for or what I could apply for. It was on me, at 18, to figure out what assistance I could get. OP is NTA. How could OP remind her when the 18yr old got the email and didn’t deal with it? It’s a costly lesson but she’s learned it now.

This is what sold it for me. Pedro is amazing and I’ll always love him but Denzel? Thee Denzel? I know I’m in for a masterclass.

Asshole Enthusiast [7]

But isn’t willing to marry the future mother of his child? It’s been 8yrs, what else is there to talk about?

Asshole Enthusiast [7]

This. Mum isn’t seeing the bigger picture. The son isn’t ready to commit. Gf is giving all her aggression to the wrong person. Get married OP and enjoy your life.

Asshole Enthusiast [7]

The audacity for me. Talk about fucking up your own situation.