This I like.

People who ask these questions are used to appealing to authority, but encouraging them to actually go through the steps would be a nice alternative. That way it’s a discussion where we can learn and exchange ideas instead of us just becoming their new authority.


Careful, I almost understood you.

I nearly followed your train of thought, so that can’t be their real thought process. Make it stupider.

In a conversation about trans rights it is a necessary strategy.

There is no good faith opposition to people having rights and being safe.

“Uh oh, something that might unite working people across racial lines? Shit, that was what all this racism was meant to prevent. Sounds like our friend needs some supersonic FREEDOM injections at range.”

Hindenburg was the lesser of two evils, too.

Who did he appoint as chancellor, again?

Tone doesn’t transfer well over text and it’s not immediately clear whether you’re participating as an honest interlocutor.

You made a non-sequitur comment that kind of sounds like something a dishonest interlocutor would say, and I can’t read your mind to know your motives.

People and organizations from TERF-island like it? Color me shocked. Gobstopped. The floor? My jaw.

I’m sure they’re each and all of them fully immune to zeitgeist.

Well if an extra click is more important to you than your player using a cool spell then I guess that’s your right and you can make that decision for your table, I just disagree with you.

We are merely at an impasse. That’s okay.

Nouns cannot be sinful that’s just silly.

Actions and choices can have bad consequences. But things? Things simply exist.

Are your parents biologists? That’s really the sort of people we should turn to for questions about evolution.

Plenty of biologists doing good research are people of faith. Evolution says nothing about god. They’re completely separate issues.

MLK Jr. had excellent politics and you can tell because the government killed him for it.

I mean, there are plenty of ways to defeat Republicans, it’s just that most of them are frowned upon by the Reddit TOS.

I hear they’re mortal and exceedingly fragile.

Project 2025….. is just the most recent Heritage Foundation Mandate For Leadership and Staffing Plan.

They do this for every potential R presidency. They did it for 2017 and Trump bragged about how many of their recommendations he fulfilled. You didn’t know about it then, but it still happened.

Probably every Republican administration you have every known has received these briefs and done their best to fulfill them. This isn’t new. This isn’t uniquely evil. They’ve been doing it since Reagan and they’re going to do it again for 2029 no matter what.

Get activated but don’t get scared. Don’t go doomer on us. Keep up the good fight. Just keep in mind that it didn’t start today and it doesn’t end tomorrow.

This is the same shit they have been doing and will keep doing. We need you to keep your head in the game, soldier.

I wish. It would make the hero Endeavor slightly less abusive by comparison.

There were pederastic and non-pederastic homosexual acts.

What there absolutely were not is black-and-white generalizations.

Look to Catullus.

Yeah unfortunately the reality about both Rome and Greece is that they were so misogynistic that their views on homosexual acts just recapitulated it.

There was nothing wrong about receiving a blowjob from a man, after all, you are a man and it’s your job to penetrate orifices. But they would judge any guy who liked giving blowjobs or bottoming because to be penetrated was womanly, and we can’t have that.

There were a lot of nurses who turned batshit during Covid.

It’s important to remember that no amount of STEM training can turn a credulous person into a rational person. Plenty of engineers believe in a flat earth.


Evolution happening is a fact, and the theory of evolution is our best explanation of how and why it happens, so denying it makes us look a wee bit silly.

Lots of Christians accept deistic evolution, which preserves a god-driven plan through naturalistic means.

As much as I hate manufactured consent I don’t think the solution is allowing other people to manufacture their own consent in.