Sure, the best way to endure your grandmother gets the proper care is to make an ass of yourself by treating them like shit on the soles of your boots! /s

You realizing or not that she didn’t mean it doesn’t carry any weight here at all because 1) that’s no excuse, & 2) the nurse she was treating so badly didn’t know that.

Your Mom is the AH here.

You missed a golden opportunity that young parents rarely get to throw back at misbehaving grandparents in situations like this…when MIL said all the other kids were eating sweets so she wasn’t going to tell her grandkids NO, you should’ve said, “If the other parents were letting their kids jump off the roof to try to fly, would you have let them do that, too?” lol.

Seriously, your MIL has no respect for your parenting. You were going to allow the ice cream. There was no need to add the rest.

“Most normal people” would most certainly NOT agree with your fiancé on this. Love for a child is a powerful thing, but being in love with your SO is also a powerful thing. It’s just that these two different kinds of love come from different places.

If he’s jealous because you love your baby, then you need to seriously rethink your future.

NTA & he’s an ass for his attitude.

NTA for breaking up with him…not because he has a high body count but because he’s a lying POS💩. I would get a dig or two in on the way out the door, like, “ At least I know the only whore in this relationship was you!”

You might want to get a STD test. He doesn’t sound like he’d act responsibly about that either.

This is your business! I would not want to have a stinking, nasty ass guy putting his stinky bits next to or into my lady bits.

What about his teeth? I bet he isn’t particular about oral hygiene either.

So this is not a “family friend” as in your husband’s family. Frank is a friend of your parents. And they like to go visit with Frank & listen to him badmouth their son-in-law for doing a job correctly instead of following Frank’s “orders”. It sounds like your parents are not just listening, they are taking part in the gossip fest, agreeing with him & then coming back to you and husband to repeat all of this.

I agree with your husband. You are not standing up for him & standing with him on this & neither is your parents. What your husband should do is tell your parents that if they or any of their friends need his expert services in the future, they can keep it to themselves because he will NEVER lift a hand to help them or their shitty friends.

You need to apologize to your husband.

A cancer diagnosis is not an automatic death sentence. His mother is milking this for every drop of attention she can get. And, unfortunately, your husband is her enabler.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. But now you have some serious decisions to make. This whole situation has uncovered one glaring truth: his mother is his top priority. He couldn’t even be bothered to answer his fukin phone when he was sitting in his truck - alone -because he didn’t think whatever you had to say was important. Even knowing you felt like the birth would be happening soon.

You shouldn’t have to explain that you’re in labor for him to consider you over his mother. He needs to get his priorities straight or get tf away.

I am so sorry for the loss of your child. Having been through this myself, it’s something I would never wish on another parent. But, I have to say I don’t see the “big betrayal” here.

Your father is the father of both girls. The girls are half sisters. So, I can totally understand that your husband might have felt stronger about giving a few ashes to his other daughter. Maybe he felt that it was as much his right to do this as you felt the right to refuse.

This is more of a communication problem between you. Neither of you get 100% control of the daughter’s ashes, as she was both of yours.

Please, please tell husband to let MIL, BIL & SIL now that when they do come to visit, they should not expect that they can come over every morning & stay until bedtime. That will be exhausting and frustrating for both you and your baby. This is not a suggestion or a request—it is a fact. And if they overstay on any day, they will not be allowed to come over at all the next day.

You probably need to discuss your boundaries for baby now with husband, come to an agreement & then send those boundaries ahead of time to the visitors, so they will know.

One thing that really bothers me is that when you have extended visitors like that, all they want to do is sit and hold the baby then pass the baby to the next person & the next, and so on. This is not good for the baby & it’s not good for you. Don’t be afraid as I’d to take the baby into another room and you both take a nap, or a rest you may need this to recharge.

Why would you even mention it to his parents what you’ve planned to do in regards to the funeral? You & husband need to make a decision & then carry it out. His parents will know what you decided when either the both of you show up without the baby, or your husband shows up while you stay home with baby.

Tbh, I find it creepy af if your husband is wanting the baby to go so he can “show off the baby”. A funeral is sooo NOT the place for introducing a baby to the family. This day should be about the family of the uncle that passed away & your husband is trying to make it about himself.

For me it’s the episode “Hit and Run”. While investigating a Marine’s murder, we see Abby as a child and how she “investigated” her very first case at the age of 10. The child actress who played Abby not only looked the part, she had all of adult Abby’s movements, speech patterns, & even her little quirks. I thought it was brilliant casting.

Be sure and tell him how rude his gf is to your parents. And that you cannot continue to loan him money just so they can live above their means.

So what if she busted her ass to raise her son? She is his parent — that was her f’ing job as his mother. And also her responsibility.

You, on the other hand, are his wife, his life partner, the woman he’s building a family with. You & your child are his #1 priority. You are not in competition with her for his heart. He will never love her in the same way he loves you because they are not the same kind of love.

Good riddance to her.

His diabetes is mentioned here & there in passing, but it’s never been a part of an investigation since that first time.

Tell the in-laws that Adelaide is family & Alexa is not going to come into your home and disrespect your wife just because her own life sucks & she’s jealous as hell.

Hang up on anyone who tries to back Alexa on this. Alexa should be banned from your house until she changes her attitude.

Tell your lovely wife that Alexa is so jealous that she literally loses her damn mind when she’s around her.

Just tell him that he ruined your son’s birthdays in the past. Last year was even worse and you intend this birthday to be strictly a mother-son activity so that, for once, your son can enjoy his birthday for once without having to walk on eggshells to keep HIM happy.

How many children you have in the future is between you and your fiancé. Just ignore her when she’s on a rant. And if she keeps it up, you say, “This is a private matter between fiancé and me. You don’t get a say in our decision and you don’t get a vote-it’s none of your business! And I’m beginning to doubt that you would be considered to ever babysit because you seem to be having severe memory issues…because you bring this up every time I see you.”

Somehow I don’t think his cat has decided to follow the Lord, which is the only reason to be baptized.

Do any of your neighbors have a pool? Let them sponsor the baptism.

Bringing this up to your husband should not be hard, he’s your life partner. You’re supposed to be a team. There’s a whole different problem going on here if trying to talk about it is going to make him angry.

There’s no good reason why this hasn’t happened yet. It sounds like his dad has been whispering in his ear about not putting you on it. There is the argument that you would have to pay rent anyway if you hadn’t gotten into this house. That’s true. But in the former place your name was at least on the lease.

The thing that bothers me here is that he’s gone back on his word, and doesn’t seem to care that he did that. If he’s going to stall on fulfilling his word on this, what’s going to stop him from just saying what he thinks you want to hear but never keeping his word?

I would not be willing to pay half on any expenses pertaining to his house.

Lol! The reply: Not for the same reason!

I would never let that woman “into my life” in a meaningful way. That is a serious breach of acceptable conduct.

Never trust her, never confide in her… keep her in the background of your life.

I would tell MIL that her, her rude af husband, and her lazy ass daughter are not allowed in your house again until the can act like responsible adults.

Yeah, it’s not like they have to stick to “real world” truths & consequences. Lol