I am 21f and my soon to be husbands mother (my fiance is an only child this will be important) Believes I should have 10 kids or “at least 4 or 5.” She brings this up at least once a month and her main reason for this besides just wanting a lot of grandkids is because “only children usually want to and need to have a lot of kids.” She also calls me an only child even though I have an older half sister who I am very close with and am literally not an only child! But she counters this with I’m my dad’s only biological child. Anyway my fiancé and I are not planning on having more than 2 or 3 kids at this point. We are not financially well off and definitely can’t afford 10 kids nor want that many! A side note that is very frustrating is she says I can “drop off the kids to her anytime for days at a time and she will care for them” which if and when I have kids I will definitely not be dropping them off like trash on a curb. I am very excited about having kids in the future and have been looking forward to being a mother most of my life. I very politely tell her I’m looking to have a few kids but am not sure of a number at all yet. It’s very frustrating and I could continue this in more detail for 10 more paragraphs but I will leave it at this, just needed to vent and get this off my chest. Thank you for reading.