My (27f) husband (28m) and I have been together for 5 years and married for almost 2. I’m 4 months pregnant now, and we’ve been at a disagreement about baptism and so on.

I was raised Catholic, honestly just culturally Catholic. We’re polish/Irish in my family so my mother made it a point to have us baptized/make communion/make confirmation. As a kid, I hated CCD, and as an adult I really don’t care about the CCD classes. But I still would like to baptize my child just for tradition’s sake. Maybe it’s the Catholic spirit within me, or maybe just some sort of familiarity, but I just want to.

My husband is not at all on board. For context, he is Korean American, with immigrant parents that are absolutely non-religious. He thinks baptism is a gateway to catholic schooling, which I’ve said I’m opposed to.

I don’t know if there’s a cultural aspect I’m not clued into that would help me understand, but my husband and I have had conversations about religion with the same understanding. Neither of us are religious, or believe in god. For me, the baptism is just a traditional thing, but he sees it as a stepping stone to full on religiosity. I get why overall, but not with me. AMITAH for asserting my views even when we both don’t believe in them?