Like it could have been fixed way prior to this, it wasnt anything mentally, it wasnt anything physical
It was simply that she wished not to do so
Which is fine and of it self IF you were on board
But now that the papers were presented and now shes worried its ok for her to try... nothing if at all would be a bigger gut punch to you op, than her now trying knowing it was nothing but her lack of want.


the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here

I think it vital that it is told
Just like that lovely story where the boundary was no strippers at the bachelor and bachelorettes

and then one of the friends accidently split the beans

he get trickle truthed!

a whole lot of cheating.

if thats the boundary you discussed and agreed upon and you 100% break it, I guess you wernt ready for marriage.

the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here

yikes, Leslie has the whole "main character" Syndrome going on aye.

right she had enough insight to not announce the wedding before yours but not enough clarity that she went ahead with a wedding before yours...

So the fact that she didnt announce it is fine, but she had one...

its like saying, I wont be evil if i think about hitting that kid, but i go ahead and hit that kid?

NTA for jumping to the conclusion, how could you have possibly known?

6'6! Holy mackerel!
Thats a giant not a man!
He sounds absolutely awesome though
Uninvite your brother and parents from your wedding and enjoy your new family

my parents are also on his side, saying I should just let it go and give my brother something off the registry. AITA?

Tell me your not the favourite without telling me your not the favourite

Nope, You're parents suck, your brother sucks, his wife is shitty too.
NTA - uninvite them from your wedding and enjoy being with your new family.

I was in Vietnam one time and met a African Fella.
He was told by his friends not to eat the local food and just mcdonalds....

Well i told him no, thats fkd up and took him out for a entire day and we ate
He was full depressed on what he had missed out on for the week earlier and it was his last day in the country...

People, if you visit another country try their food!

I remember first seeing a show on TV where the people were eating Bossam
I thought they were really being over the top with their expressions...

I had Bossam... and oh my god! the textures, the flavour, the combinations!
I totally get the expressions now! its a whole event! its a food experience like no other!

Korean food is a vibe and if youre not vibing with the korean food then i dont want to know you lols.


Oh, so you're stupid stupid

You can have a talk with him, Hell I'll have a chat with OOP and have our backs turned whilst you have a long and... persuasive talk with Frank.

I like to go to the stores like BCF and sit in every single one of the chairs that look alright

And then proceed to truly test how sturdy they are and go from there.

Oh, so you're stupid stupid

At least someone's getting laid. Good for you OP, have a good time.

That made me chuckle and then it made me sad LOL

Oh, so you're stupid stupid

Damn OOP
Your Great aunt is 100% looking down from a good place and smiling at your super shiny spine!

thanks for sharing!

Oh, so you're stupid stupid

Congratulations! Hope the kiddo and mom are both healthy during and after birth!

you soon to be ex wife is delulu

NTA - divorce, get your kids into therapy... they gonna need it with a mother like that. Yikes


Look I understand from both sides.
But you have to look out for your self.
will your marriage survive you keeping this to your self?
its so shitty that you are now involved, but you have to look out for your own relationship.

with DNA test being as common and available these days it totally valid that you tell your husband.
this isnt a secret that will always be a secret
Like how you now know.

you have to tell your husband, if nothing at all because trust is what relationships are built off.

Oh, so you're stupid stupid

what I need to know is...
What was up with the feet photo... or rather do I really want to know this information?

I do hope OP sees this
That dress gonna get stolen from her.
Lock that shit up at someone elses house!

the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here

Yep, this needs to be a flair asap!

the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here

I still see that person looking at the corner while the camera drops

its burnt into my bloody head at this point.

Absolutely go ahead and sell or donate them

The audacity of that little bitch to expect gifts from you after saying and doing some awful things


Why would you consider just baptising your child for the sake of tradition?
If you were into your religion then yeah
But for tradition? you know that sounds absolutely ridiculous right?

Lets go ahead and indoctorinate this child into the house of god
But lets not like actually make him go to church every sunday
Lets not even be religious our selves, we're just doing it because... tradition.

either you do it and be a good little christain/catholic
Or you dont and be like you've always been... a non believer.

JFC i cant believe i have to say this but
If you're not that into it, dont do it.


Oh, so you're stupid stupid

its a rare case of where i wish i could go back in time and not read this one.
But fk, that was a hard read!
Im happy OOP got out and is safe but it makes my skin crawl knowing that that insane lady is out there somewhere probably toying with another victim somewhere