It’s not just about the cheating. Your kids (especially your daughters) looked up to you as the ideal man. Their view of you has just been destroyed. There is no going back. I’m not saying you can’t rebuild a relationship with them but you will never be the same in “their” eyes. I’m sorry man but it’s the truth. This is why cheating is so bad. It’s not just the act but all the hurt it causes everyone else. Your wife is probably trying just to hold her family together but eventually she will realize everything is different now. Maybe she can accept it. Maybe she can’t.

NTA. It sounds like your husband is taking it to the next level. I’m all for modesty but there is also a limit. I mean she can’t show her shoulders? lol. I would understand if your 13 year old daughter wanted to wear a tiny crop top or something but this sounds over the top. Also why can’t she hang out with her friends? Are they bad people? If not you need to have a serious talk with your husband. This kind of behavior will only push her away from him (and you).

Listen bud. Every young man wants to live life to the fullest and sleep with lots of women. I get it. I was there myself. But, here is something you learn a little later. Sleeping with different women is fun at first but it gets old pretty quick. Your 29. Not 19. The love of one good woman is so much better than just sleeping around. The decision you need to make is if the girl you’re with now is that woman for you.

NTA. American here. I drink my coffee black but if I wanted milk I would ask for milk. If I wanted cream I would ask for cream lol. Some people are just stupid.

YTA. Your are conflating 2 separate issues. No children means no children. It’s nice to have an adults only affair and you need to explain to your daughter that unfortunately it’s just for adults. The second issue of him not going to your wedding and you having to take time off for work for his is completely separate

NTA. You are not buying stuff for ex wife or your sons sister. Your son is. Your new wife is out of line. However, your son is getting to an age where it may benefit him to get a part time job or do stuff around the house for you in order to make the money himself. It’s very easy to ask dad for $50 but having to work for it makes the gift even more special.

NTA. There is no other reason why your sisters did what they did other then to be mean. They sound like terrible people. Your mom isn’t much better to be honest.
I wouldn’t go to their wedding either. Tell your mom you and your wife are also a package deal. Go NC. You will be so much better off.

NTA. I get it that his mother “might” be sick but his wife is 9 months pregnant. He showed you who is more important to him. His mommy. Not his wife and future child. Believe him.
Lots of people have cancer and it is a terrible disease but they don’t need constant help like this from their son. Let’s also not forget she hasn’t even been diagnosed yet.

You need to seriously consider your future with this man (if you can even call him that).

NTA. But your husband is a clown. Who does something like that without speaking to the other partner.
He knew it was wrong otherwise he would have spoken to you about it. I don’t see how you could trust him again.

NTA. I would have done the same thing It’s unfortunate but if your kid can’t stay quiet then you don’t bring them to a movie theater full of other people. Common courtesy

NTA. You boyfriend is an idiot (understandable because you both are young). But 100% get the abortion. You are only 4 weeks. Don’t ruin your life for a guy you have been with for 6 months. I know at your age that seems like a long time but it’s not. 6 months is a flicker in the wind lol.

Yea real sweet and kind lol. Let’s his mommy berate you in front of guests. Real winner you picked

NTA but you also have a husband problem. Tell your husband if he would rather be married to his mommy you will happily step aside. If his answer is no then tell him to grow up and stop giving mommy all this information.

Partassipant [1]

NTA. If you can make your child’s life better why wouldn’t you? These YTA people are nuts.

NTA but this has to be fake. No one is this much of a pushover to spend all her savings on her sisters wedding. Can’t be real.

Hahahaha. I keep thinking of seabass from dumb and dumber lol

Agree to a point. But. When you are making yourself breakfast why wouldn’t you simply ask your wife if she wants any before you start? I work 10-12 hours a day and do it every morning. Not hard to make 2 extra eggs when you are making them already for yourself. Just about kindness.

No one said stress free. But a guy working 24-30 hours a week is by no means stressed about work. At least not to the point where you can’t throw a couple eggs on the stove for your wife while your already cooking your own

Partassipant [1]

NTA. Ask him to prove you wrong. Go back the last 5x he contacted you and see what they were about. 10/10 they were all requests for help of some sort. As a father I could never imagine treating my kids so differently. Yes you raise daughters different then boys but you don’t show more love to one then another.

She said the guy works 25-30 hours a week lol. Not much stress there.

NTA. Your husband is a selfish AH. First of all if I was cooking eggs (or anything really) for myself I ALWAYS ask my wife if she wants any. What kind of husband would just cook himself breakfast lol. Guy is a clown. Find better.