So, meanwhile, a few hours before, I talked to him again as some of you recommended. I didn't push too much on that conversation he had with my cousin as he was super drunk, but I confronted him about the fact that we are going to have a baby GIRL and I hope he will not be fat shaming her or cause her distress that will lead to eating disorders. For just a few minutes he was calm, but in the end told me my head is full of feminist bul shit and left, closing the door hard after him. Then he returned maybe 35 minutes later and he apologised. But I am just very confused and I will spend the night at my parents

My 0riginal p:

I 29F and expecting a baby girl. I have been dating my fiance 34M for a year. We are getting married and things are going smoothly. Due to some bad history I avoided dating and he was my first. The guy is an airline pilot and gone for 17 days a month, which is fine for my avoidant attachment style is heaven. He is good looking, intelligent and gets along with my family. Yet at a family event recently he got sooo drunk, he actually arrived dizzy, and told my cousin some very unkind things about his girlfriend. He called her a sl*t (she is known for her past of sleeping around in this tiny community) and warned him that her fat a( ss) will get even fatter after she delivers a baby. Then he said that "his woman has only been with him and even after she gives him a buunch of kids will not look old or gain weight". Now, his woman is me. I found the wording very mean. And also to give him kids. Like a kid is something a wife give to her man?

I don't know what to think about all his. He was extremely drunk that he spent the night on all fours vomiting in the toilet. My cousin put him in the car and took him to my place. And now some memories come to my mind. I am fit as I hit the gym daily. But during winter I gain a bit of a weight. He was not mean or anything but bought me some jeans that were small, to motivate me lose weight. He said it was a joke though. Also, I am an elementary school teacher and I thought about changing the career for an office job. He wasn't against the idea but he said school teacher is nice for a girl.