I'm so glad your sister had helped. Be good to her, help her. If you can file for any monetary support, make sure you do it. Give some to your sister and some for you so you can get in your feet. Make sure your mother isn't claiming any financial benefits as you're not longer in her care.

See if your sister will go with you to emancipate yourself.

Lastly, once you've done all the things you need to do- cut your mother off. Don't ever left her back in your life.

Of course she watches them. Probably close to 100 times and 100 retakes. She looks like a fool. They both are trashy.

If I'm for sure dying- I get to see my dogs. If I'm not dying - well that hurt.

I collect old post cards and photos and I copy them and then the copies go in the bottles I find. Photo in a bottle.

If you don't put your foot down and establish boundaries, you're in for a rough ride.

If it's locked and you break that - it's break and enter.

Jenelle is gonna be 60 and still a loser trying to make out like she was the best mom.

I only like David because if anyone is gonna spill the tea- it's gonna be him.

lol yup when the first person replied to me it made me feel faint!

Shower and get annoyed with the clean up.

That close up made me cross eyed. Zoom out would have been better

I am soooo glad I'm not a kid person. It made my eyes water.

She was the red flag. Good on him for not paying.

It's so expensive here! I wonder if Walmart ships int.