Colo-rectal Surgeon [46]

and I felt bad if he did it alone.

That’s it? That’s how you are rationalizing you breaking your promise? Why would you feel bad if he did coke on his own?

And not only that, but then you didn’t follow the plan you and your sister agreed to.

I was genuinely trying,

That is not what your actions say.

I don't think my family should be cutting me off over a mistake

A mistake is a small accident, something you didn’t mean to happen. But you did mean this bc you know that’s a flimsy excuse and a choice.

Kenneth was easy bc he loves strawberries, like Maru and Demetrius.

Politics should have never been about arguing about who deserves rights and freedom.

Absolutely this. It’s so wild that basic humans rights are a topic up for debate.

Colo-rectal Surgeon [46]

I fear for the students you teach if this is how you think of ppl.

I’m so sorry that happened to you. Some therapists should never had gotten a license.

That is rape. You were raped. Your bf is a vile human being who doesn’t respect or care for you. Get out of there safely.

uses omegaverse to troll bigots

1000000% this!!

I’m always happy to support ppl, especially ppl like us who don’t have others sticking up for us often. I’ve been where you are and it is hell. Please take care of yourself. Do you have a therapist you can talk to?

uses omegaverse to troll bigots

It’s not drama to discuss if someone is actually racist.

Yup, this is a troll.

Weight bias is still so prevalent and a dangerous practice still. I saw a surgeon bc I had an issue with one of my arms and all he said, no looking at my tests or anything, that it was bc of my weight.

The next surgeon I saw looked at me like a real human being. I was very lucky my insurance at that time covered most of the cost bc it was a private hospital, and the fact my dad had the same surgeon bc he had the same problem.

You are in pain, being told that this is your fault, that you aren’t doing enough, and your mental health has started to become worse.

Honey, you are not lazy. This is not your fault. You are worthy of empathy and understanding and deserve to have someone who will advocate for you. You deserve to have doctors listen to you and help you, and see you as a real human being.

I‘m so sorry for all you’ve been through. It really makes me emotional bc I know how hard it is when ppl don’t believe you, or believe in you.

Your pain is valid. Your disability is valid, even if you don’t have a diagnosis bc it has impacted your life so much. You know it’s something and the doctors aren’t listening to you. That is how ppl die. Those drs are negligent.

Again, I’m so sorry for all of this— your physical and mental pain, ppl invalidating you, drs not listening— it takes such a toll on you. From someone who had the same troubles, I really hope the best for you 🫂❤️‍🩹

I use omegaverse to troll bigots

I actually think that’s a lovely comment! They’re saying the author really sucked them into their story despite it not being their usual thing, and are looking forward to the next chapter.

I’d be thrilled to get a comment like that.

Btw, “subverting expectations“ is typically a very good thing.

uses omegaverse to troll bigots

Isn’t Tarantino a known racist?

Censorships were made because the post gets deleted instantaneously by the bot upon detecting a dose of the real world.

Yeah this just makes me think you’re a troll and really wanted to use that slur.

I use omegaverse to troll bigots

Popularity is not always an indicator of talent, and a lot of it is luck. Wattpad audience skews younger so of course their tastes will be different. If you only aim to be popular again, you won’t appreciate the work you’ve done to improve and you’ll start to lose your drive to write and burn out.

I really recommend taking a look at the pinned post bc it has wikis for micro labels and a myth busting article about trauma, misconceptions, etc.

Im sorry you’re feeling so out of sorts. Trauma may not be a sole determinant but it can play a part. However, we are born this way, too— we’re just naturally on the aro/ace spectrums. There doesn’t necessarily have to be a reason to just be.

Take it one day at a time. And perhaps consider talking to a therapist if you feel it will help. Let me know if you have any more questions, and take care ❤️‍🩹

I would suggest therapy to help you learn to better regulate your emotions, and potentially help with any trauma from your parent’s behavior. This isn’t a dig at you; it’s coming from someone who has been there and learned :)

Perhaps couples counseling could also benefit the both of you?

It sounds more like you want a QPR than an allo relationship. A queer platonic relationship (QPR) is a relationship that is more than friendship and can include things that you mentioned— cuddling, taking care of them, etc. — but with no expectation of some/all romantic and/or sexual things.

Here is a link that explains it a bit better, and I’ll add it to the pinned post as well.

If you want to try with an allo person, you need to explain clearly what your boundaries are and that the relationship will not be like others they’ve had in the past. Let them decide.

However, I want to caution you about that: you may feel pressured to be or perform things you are not comfortable with. You need to be aware of the potential for manipulation and learn to counter it and saying no when you don’t want to do something.

So it’s up to you. Just be careful.


To my knowledge, most other LN just aren’t the same in quality. I think you’re really going to struggle with finding one.

I use omegaverse to troll bigots

Hard disagree

uses omegaverse to troll bigots

I think it cheapens the art of the craft.

And I think if you use it, you need to tag that or mention it.

I didn’t say every man, I just said more men. If someone has trouble with aiming/dribbling, they should sit if they can. I think we need to destigmatize sitting down to pee, wiping the tip of the penis with tp afterwards, and making sure to wash your hands.

If you cannot sit for medical issues, I am not talking about you. I should probably have included that, so I’ll edit my first comment to include this.

I use omegaverse to troll bigots

I don’t much care for crossovers, but my limit is one. It’s just too hard to successfully write in characters/elements from more than one other fandom imo.