I thought it was Morse code, which also made no sense.

A card in the mailbox is great. It's non-intrusive.

When my dad died, so many people came over and interrupted us when we were trying to make funeral arrangements. I know they meant well, but it added to our stress.

I have 3 sorting categories: darks, lights, and hedgehog linens.

Let him read it. What's the worst that could happen? You know it's boring AF and he's definitely not going to make it to Exodus 25 where they give instructions on how to build a tabernacle.

And on the off chance he makes it that far, who among us can't appreciate a backyard tabernacle built by a nine-year-old? As long as he sticks to the original color pallet of scarlet, blue, and purple, well, that's going to be one sick tabernacle, and any parent would be proud of such a finely twisted linen.

I think a Hello Fresh subscription is in order. We did it for a year or so, and we learned a lot. Now we're real fans of roasting veg with balsamic.

My full partner of 25 years does: 90% of the grocery shopping 100% of the car maintenance 50% of the dinner cooking 40% of the laundry 60% of the dishes 50% of driving to Dr appointments 0% of taking pets to Vet appointments for my own personal pets, but he would pitch in if I asked 100% of keeping track of gift buying for his side of the family. 50% of vacation planning 100% of the breakfast making.

One day I turned to him and said, "you're a full partner." And he appreciated that.

✨Hedgehog of Fame✨

You are right. Don't pet your little buddy when you have tasty fingers.

A slow blink followed by a gentle head butt.

Well, I only recently developed misophonia, so there's that.

Everyone asks when are you getting another dog? That's beyond messed up.

Well, I wish I could report that I periodically sing, "Flash! Ah-ah!" like a Queen.

But since Flash Gordon and Queen are all dudes, it just doesn't seem fun.

Now, if someone were to make a movie called Flash Gorgon? That would be something to sing about.

I build elaborate sets and then photograph my hedgehog while he wears tiny hats. It's fun for at least one of us.

I'm guessing it's similar to actual hobbies like building models, building Legos, making dioramas, doing something with miniatures, etc.

Your collection of museum quality artworks, featuring hedgehogs in tiny hats. Here's your first find:



If seeing a hedgehog wearing tiny hats would enhance your victorious experience, please let me know and I will hook you up.

I am proud of you.

You don't even need a hat to be awesome.

That's pretty freaking awesome.

✨Hedgehog of Fame✨

Here is a bonus pic of little buddy in his "clean and cozy" bedding. Looks comfortable, doesn't it?


✨Hedgehog of Fame✨

I like fleece strips on washable wee wee pads.

The "clean and cozy" bedding was soft, but kind of dusty.

The wood shavings seemed to stick to his fur, and looked uncomfortable. That ... might mainly be a boy problem.


That's exactly what a predator would say.

✨Hedgehog of Fame✨

I mean, they are insectivores. I don't think they really "need* fruits or veg.

He works hard for his [mealworms]. And I treat him right.

Well apparently certain links are not allowed here. But there's a certain unholy hedgehog who has the insta handle of "Rincewind_the_hedgehog"

It's not secret; it's sacred.

And believe you me, he's got a legion of hats.

"I need a break."

You can say this. I believe in you and I am here to support you.

Unfortunately, I can only offer moral support in the form of a cute hedgehog wearing even cuter hats.

Yeah. Against all odds, we're still into each other after 25+ years of marriage.

Got married at 24 and 26. Went through seven layers of interesting times together. Deaths of 3 parents, 2 layoffs, infertility, extreme religious shifts, buying high and selling low, etc.

You know, it's possible that not having kids that we felt pressured into having due to religion but were in no position to care for made all the difference.

Anyways, we're super into our ten nieces and nephews. And surprisingly, I eventually got pretty into that hedgehog that my brother foisted into me. That moderately handsome hedgehog tolerates tiny hats like nobody's business.
