Do i have to do my residency years there for them to be valid?


If so, can i work during my surgical residency?

No; you can only work for the hospital that grants you the visa for residency. And you would have time to work a second job anyways. 

You’ll never lay $31k in debt if you’re making only $1k per month. 

Consider bankruptcy. 

A starting salary in industry might be $90k per year working 40h/week so your salary is $43 per hour; consulting might be $110k per year but you work 60h per week so  equivalent to $35 per hour. 

I don’t know why they’d do that but one of my friends got a job as a copy from Mexico. 

Another one also from Mexico moved to France on a marketing job. 

No idea why they’d hire them but they were hired without being EU passport holders, so it’s an option despite what this sub thinks. 

I also got my hybrid last September and right now have 5k miles on it. 

The oil life meter says I am at 24% oil life and should change it in September 2024. 

Look for comms jobs, copy or technical writing jobs at French startups that requires fluency in both languages. 

 I was dealt a bad hand when I was born and I ended up in Romania. Somewhat of a 3rd world country

Yawn at the self pity. You have the whole EU and you’re whining life is unfair and you were dealt a bad hand?

The duffel is good but the material picks up scraps and scuffs very easily. Also, it is not waterproof. 

If you want waterproof, you’ll need something like a guide water or a yeti panga. 

Ese logo y ese hospital no están en cdmx. Es un logo de un hospital en sao paolo. 

Suena a estafa. 

I love my travel tray. I used to forget stuff behind, losing it, having to rebuy it. Now it all stays in my travel tray, contained and ready to go. 

The Camino is a very comfortable bag assuming you chose the right size and straps. The Allpa is plain uncomfortable. 

You and your partner are incompatible and this indeed is doomed to end sooner or later, either because of choosing poly or because resentment for not exploring poly. 

The sooner you let go of this relationship, the sooner you can find someone else. 

Check OP’s history; clearly astroturfing for te company he mentions

Americans have yet to realize that having a reason to leave has little to do with having the right to live somewhere else. Their reasons, while not asylum-granting, can be valid but so are millions of other folks in the world wanting to emigrate for better pastures (lol in many cases to the US). 

The posts where they want to claim asylum and are “willing to learn the language” are so inane, at this point they’re a meme and just shows those folks haven’t done the tiniest bit of research and are likely not moving anywhere any time soon. 

But I don’t think all posts US -> anywhere should be banned. Some folks here come asking questions that show they’ve tried to do research already, have perhaps uncommon but valuable qualifications, or are looking for specific practical advice that won’t show up on Google. 

Dating apps or go to a bar in condesa or Roma but don’t be dumb and take care of yourself: share your location, tell your friends where you are and when to expect you back.

MEX is not divided by international vs domestic terminals. Make sure both your flights are at the same airport (MEX and not MEX/NLU) and check the terminal; there is a sky train with limited hours to shuttle you in between. It’s one of the most uncomfortable airports to sleep maybe comparable to Berlin TXL in the before times if you ever flew there. 

Safety wise the airport is OK and the city is fine if you stuck to tourist areas and have some street smarts.