Creating so much friction around your partner’s friends, family, habits, speech, and personality that they change all those things to avoid pissing you off is necessarily controlling.

1) control is abuse

2) you don’t have to be in an ~officially~ abusive relationship to leave. You seem miserable and the reason why is not a mystery

That’s not the same as being actively threatened. It’s not inherently abusive to convey to another person that you are angry with them. The method of conveyance is very relevant!

“Backed into a corner” by…nothing? You said it yourself, it’s passive aggression. PASSIVE. Not active aggression. I’m not saying it’s good. But it’s definitely not threatening the way yelling is threatening.

Stonewalling done with the intention of ending the conversation on your terms is abusive. Stonewalling as an organic response to being flooded from being yelled at is unhealthy, but it’s not abusive.

I will be forevermore using the phrase “toxic amnesia” to explain this, please and thank you

I don’t know why you’re even thinking about marriage to a man who won’t tell his family you’re his girlfriend. He’s not serious about you and he’ll waste your time for as long as you let him.

“Unprofessional”? This is Reddit, not work. Saying it’s name-calling to call somebody chicken is not making you seem more adult, more capable, more reasonable.

It’s not hurting her to tell her it’s fucking rude to wear white to someone else’s wedding and that that’s common knowledge. She knows both of those things. She’s only pulling this shit because she knows you’re too chicken to actually put your foot down about it.

Don’t be a child. You sound like a child when you whine this much about sound tOo MeAn.

“That’s our baby. I know it.” 😭😭😭😭

You married a selfish lover and now you’re married to a selfish lover who’s also a pig. Consider your life and make some hard choices.

There’s no virtue in feeling guilty for making an asshole feel like an asshole.

Your family and guests will get over it.

there has to be

No there doesn’t, creep!

“Bursts the adultery bubble” is so fucking funny