Wife (39f) and I (40m) been married 8 years to each other and with each other for 15yrs+. 2 little kids with each other as well. As with other relationships sex is not exactly regular anymore tho it's amazing when we do do it.

I've always found shower sex to be more frustrating than amazingly enjoyable. Awkward angles, shower noise distracting, same position all the time, constant steam heat makes it much more difficult to finish than usual. Performance wise no issues just the finish.

So last night wife initiated in the shower and it was great for a time, about 10mins in she finished resoundingly and I felt like I wasn't going to. Rather than just carry on and risk hurting her which is usually what happens when it goes on a bit, still standing to attention I said I was OK didn't need to finish or carry on am glad she was able to finish gave her big kiss and we carried on washing up. Bear in mind she wanted to finish me was asking what I need what she can do.

Well after 1min maybe with the soap and her turned around against me I felt the regular twinge that it could happen quite quickly here, so I started stroking against her ass then slipped it back in for maybe 1-2mins and was finished.

Now I could see the look on her face after and today as well. She feels like I went too far and the surprise of round 2 took her really unexpectedly. She feels I was very much in the wrong for doing that and finishing. Her Attitude kinda make me feelin like a massive perv and creep. At first I was very apologetic like what have I done, mood kinda sucky when it was supposed to be feeling good.

After sleeping on it now I'm like hang on were we not still in the alloted sex window?

So AITA for 'restarting' without explicit permission right after she'd finished and once I've declared I'm done?