Is it porn addiction if you're not jizzin?

so you don't actually have any examples of what one of the lies are. I suspected as much. My guess is you know that you can't say any otherwise you'd prove yourself wrong. so if your statement is wrong the only way to maintain it is to claim it without a foundation in objective reality.

I get it, you don't care what is true. you only care what will get you positive social points from the people you interact with the most.

Hum, I have two possible interpretations readily available. the subtle trait, people who carry some ADHD genes have a sight effect from the genes they carry and are slightly more impulsive but not enough to be classified as ADHD.

or the one I find more amusing, the horny cat study. one experiment where they lobotomized half the cats which caused them to act extremely horny humping everything. and the controls that interacted with the horny cats started behaving like the lobotomized horny cats, but wasn't lobotomized themselves. so environmental conditioning. so with a higher rate of ADHD, the community is more use to expecting that impulsive behavior is normal and expected. so sometimes they toss caution to the wind and act impulsive cause no one would really judge them as odd.

tho IDK if a slightly more socialized impulsive NT would explain everything we see between indo-eropean NTs vs the rest of the world. one of the common features being a higher chance of developing some sort of cast system. and a stronger uncanny valley response, hence being meaner to autistic people.

interesting enough the ADHD genes being at a higher rate in European populations may be from the neanderthal interbreeding cause their population was rich with genes that are identified as causing ADHD in homosapian sapien.

personally I don't like the lack of study of how the NT brain works and what's odd about what it dose. like dose the allistic brain have a difficult time responding to empathy so they have socialized to over project their emotional expressions to get it read by others downregulated empathy? seems counter intuitive- but that's my suspicion because they have a lot of difficulty reading animals expressions. so they developed a "talking face" where they express very strong deliberate emotions on their face to direct how they want the situation to go. and micro expressions get ignored. (another one of my suspicions)

I was 4 years old. they said that to be saved you have to ask Jesus into your heart. I thought I had done it before but I couldn't remember so of course I had to do it to secure my place in heaven. I did it, and realized nothing was different so I did in fact forget and how do you forget something so important? that is quite literally your purpose in life... supposedly. so clearly it was nothing nothing changed I felt nothing. it was all fake, like bob who was my non existent imaginary friend that I was mad about cause he didn't do anything cause he didn't exist. bob existed exclusively because I was jealous the neighbor had an imaginary friend. why did bob do nothing?

so ya, I was a little kid and was able to logic out that religion was nonsense. and they where just pretending and I couldn't find anything that actually supported this god thing's existence

thank you for the data points. I suspect the hard data at best are proxy reference points. cause my suspicion was supported by the general trends of the most common way of collective thinking.

the hypothesis would basically be that autistic people pay a "control rod" like role to dampen allistic style of thinking. where in Indo-European populations the allistic thinking has hit a critical mass and overrides any moderating effect of other populations. but this only works if autistic trait people are a much higher percentage of the population and includes people beyond what counts as clinical autism. (like 30% of the population) and it also presupposes that allism is a spectrum too, and potentially a form of excessive allism considered a disorder is possible. (wouldn't that be a hoot?)

the proxy points you brought suggest there might be something valid in this line of thinking. tho my idea is quite a few logical steps beyond the hard data, and how to determine if there is any accuracy to it may require some sort of understanding of mapping the human brain to truly identify the mechanism of autism and the mechanism of allism to the point that such brain scan/mapping can be used as a diagnostic tool for autism. I suspect it has something to do with how the conscious and subconscious shuttles information back and forth.

Is this what it feels like to look at people in the eyes?

the only reason why it isn't already is because people can't reprocess information they learned as a child when they are an adult. it has something to do with how things are stored in the subconscious cause the prefrontal cortex hasn't fully developed yet. once it has, all access to the subconscious mechanisms gets shut down.

ya, that would have been awesome to hear. but people are so stiff and awkward. and it feels like they give a canned "universal empathetic emotion initiate" tone. and its soooo boring and unengaging.

when I got out of an abusive relationship one thing I wish people said was "damn, he sounds like an asshole" and he was. he was a pretty bad person. and even before when I talked to people who had been in abusive relationships I pretty much said something similar to people, though a little more gently about how kind people do have a difficult time dodging the people who are willing to take advantage of them.

Personally I have reason to think that what ever mechanism that defines autism is the base stock that the NT diverged from. specifically the Proto-Indo-Europeans seem to have a higher rate and potentially a stronger version of allism.

tho ironically it seems one of the defining features of that group is the higher affinity for genocide.

ya I know this is a particularly extreme thing to say... but funny.

to be honest, it's too touchy of a subject to be certain. and a lot of these kind of ideas do pretend to be jokes to soften people up first. I remember how it was before gamergate.

Yes, unfortunately the funny mustache man idea's are way too popular and infiltrate a lot of places and corrupt people's mind. ironically it actually put some communities in more danger of being the first to be eradicated when they adopt those ideas.

you don't believe infectious diseases are infectious?

give me an example of one of them so I can understand your thinking because you don't seem to understand the concept of lying. and I suspect you know this, because you would be able to state what was the "lie" but because you know you're lying to conform to your social environment you have to avoid being forthcoming so your ideas don't get challenged.

I'm very much aware that people consider social cohesion significantly more important that factual honesty so in this situation it looks like by lie you don't mean untrue, you mean "violates my communities social norms"

but that's not lying. that's just annoying regulations. do you not know what lying is? like genuinely don't understand? cause that would explain a lot about how the world works if you genuinely have no idea what a lie is.

There are some pretty solid theories that indicate exactly this.

My playful way of putting it is that they are analog psychic so they get a bunch of transmitted information but because its translated into analog (face expressions tone and body language) and back they just gotta hope they are right. so they invented all these social cues which are short cut rules everyone follows to help navigate their difficult to double check politely psychic skills.

This make way more sense, he has to plant evidence that he was annoyed someone else put porn on his feed.

You're also stupid for not telling him to make his own account cause it's actually insanely easy. why would you even want him to have access to your account?

its like he asked you if he could wear your underwear.

sometimes I just don't know how to respond cause their sarcasm was kinda dumb. so I make them suffer by repeating what they said in a flat tone.

Funny thing is, thats autistic sarcasm and allistics have a difficult time understanding it. its so freaking funny to watch them squirm or have no idea what's real and what's not.

Not if you own the resources or can defend them. if you have AI that can develop the supply lines and manufacturing of anything including more robots then what use is money other than for purchasing artisanal crafts the humans that live traditionally produce?

granted the directions for any particular industrial pathway may be hella expensive and heavily copyrighted.

Just imagine a world where the hyper welthy use their AI servants to wage war over the resources they need to produce their lavish lifestyle, being able to build the manufacturing to make anything with little oversight, and all the common people are seen as animals either just there or in the way of accessing those resources.

being rich in an authoritarian government means you are the authoritarian. that class gets all the free passes they want. what are you even talking about?

I would say its more of an ironic statement. I remember ironic statements being more common and this one was a source of affection at one time. there have been a trend in recent times where language has taken on more literal modes.

Oh boy, what did you count as a lie? and was it the medical professionals or the reporters trying to make a catchy headline?

that's all it takes for you to commit genocide denial? yet cant even leave trans people alone cause they are less than one percent of the population.