My husband (43) and I (26) have been married for 6 years...

He's not a very sexual person in general, over the past 2 years his sex drive has become non-existant, now, I know this happens with age, and this isn't Mt biggest concern, what concerns me is that he doesn't show interest in me.

He has become extremely disinterested in me as a person, showing no love or interest in me, touching me in no way, and I get a total of x3 habit kisses per day.

I am extremely frustrated. I have spoken to him openly about my feelings regarding this countless times past few years, and I have even told him I would need to bring someone into our relationship to fulfill my emotional and physical needs, not that I would but to see if it would awaken a drive within him.

Honestly, I don't know what do do anymore, I feel like I'm at a point where I'm missing out on life and so much in it.