
r/copenhagen138.1K subscribers14 active
Monthly thread for advice and recommendations, May 2024 – ask your questions here!
Welcome to Copenhagen!

Use this thread to ask for advice about accommodation, sightseeing, events, restaurants, bars, clubs, public transportation, jobs and the like. Questions about visiting and moving to Copenhagen are only allowed in this thread.

Before posting, be sure to read our wiki for guides and answers to the most frequently asked questions from newcomers. Tourists will find useful information at WikiVoyage, WikiTravel and VisitCopenhagen, while new residents should visit the international websites of the City of Copenhagen and the Danish Immigration Service.

Be specific when asking for recommendations – tell us about yourself and what you like. Generic recommendations for "a nice restaurant" or "must-see attractions" can be found on TripAdvisor. Also, as locals we probably don't know much about hotels in the city.

If you're not looking for general advice and recommendations, feel free to create a new post in the subreddit. We love seeing interesting observations, stories and pictures from visitors and new neighbours!

This thread is created automatically at the beginning of every month. Click here for previous threads.

Pinnedby AutoModerator
Mods, can we please get a karma limit for submissions?Question

It seems like a lot of the low quality and/or obvious trolling submissions that we get daily could be avoided if the subreddit simply had a modest karma limit for new user submissions.

By low quality submissions, I mean submissions asking questions that are not about Copenhagen and/or only specifically relevant for the Randomly-GenratedUsername993762 account made yesterday. A karma limit would prevent those users from filling the airwaves. They can still ask the same questions in the monthly thread, though.

By troll submissions, I mean rage bait posts that the community clearly doesn't want here, but can't help replying to while massively downvoting. You know exactly the kind of users making these posts. They often have multiple accounts with karma in the negatives and they thrive on constantly submitting text posts that complain about every miniscule facet of Danes and Copenhagen (and the superiority of country X and Y), providing absolutely no value other than starting arguments over nothing all the damn time.

Please institute a karma limit for submissions. It doesn't have to be high, but it would make this community so much better and it would also make modding the subreddit a lot easier, I'm sure.

Pinnedby SimonGrayAmager Vest
Hvad sker der i Kbh i dagQuestion

Der render en masse underlige mennesker rundt i byen i dag, opføre sig som om de vil slås, taler et sprog jeg ikke forstår, og ter sig fuldstændig vanvittigt. Nogen går i røde ens t-shirt og andre går i hvide ens t-shirt. Står vores grænser åben igen?

Bars with 70s,80s,90s music?

Hiii! I’m looking for bars/clubs that play music from the 70s-80s. Thanks!

What can a living community do about a problematic neighbour?

Hi Copenhageners,

I am a international student, and me and my partner are living in a condo since last June in CPH. There are 18 condos total in our building (most of our neighbour are students or in their early 30s). The vast majority of them are pretty chill and clean individual, but there's a couple who are just was can't behave.

The housing complexum has a shared kitchen and a shared washroom - which is not a big surprise, when you are living in a condo I guess. The couple basicly don't give a damn about the other 17 "households". They are trashing our kitchen, corridors, gardens and the lift; one time they stopped my washing programm at the middle of it to put their clothes in and the whole washroom was flooded... (They are also not cleaning the dryer after themselfs).

They are leaving random Rema and Netto baskets (even a fucking Coop shopping cart - we don't have a coop in our ~1 km area xd) in the garden. They are also heavy drinkers, according to their next door neighbours they are fighting (verbally and physically too) quite much, but it was never that heavy that they could call the police on them. There are 1-2 night every 3 weeks when they get wasted and just shouting on the shared terrace (on weekdays ofc...).

On the other hand they are smoking in their apartment, and throwing the cig buds to the groundfloor's flats gardens. There's an urban legend too, that they are also using substances, but I don't have any evidence on that.

Our landlord tried to keep them out of the shared areas as a penalty, but with no luck. (They've been doing this for more then a year now..) He is involved in these issue quite much, but he told me that his hands are tied as he can't evict these people. Everything they do/done which is against our co-living community is documented in the communitie's Facebook group and also in e-mail sent to our landlord. The contract of the place has unlimited rental time.

I don't know if it's important to add, but the our community is ~50/50 internationals and danes.

Is there anything that we can do in this situation? Some of us already tried to reason with them, but with no luck at all - they keep denying everything, even when the situation is obviously happening rigth in the moment...

Ps.: sorry for complaining, but it really bugs me...

Nature day trips from Copenhagen?

Hi, been living here for almost 6 years. Would love to drive somewhere out in nature today, but I’ve done all the usual suspects several times (dyrehaven, møns/stevns klint, the blue water lake, Gribskov etc.) Any lesser-known, jaw-dropping places? Lol Thank you!!

Anywhere to buy dead stock fabric in or near of Copenhagen?

Dead stock fabric that otherwise fashion or textile related companies would discard after the financial year and therefore sell it at a cheaper price so it reduces wastage and recoup some of the cost

ISO yarn store recommendations!Question

Looking for a yarn store in Copenhagen preferably with some local yarns. Thanks!

How come everyone apparently thinks that the quality of food in CPH is so horrible?

How come everyone on this sub apparently agree, that the supermarkets in CPH are absolute trash and the quality of the food here horrible?

I mean, I grew up here, but I've lived abroad and travelled a lot (and still do) - I just don't think, that the quality of the food here is so horrible, as people on this sub make it out to be?

Organic fruit and vegetables having bumps/brown spots or whatever, is not a sign of bad quality - but a sign that less pesticides were used.... which is a good thing!

Also, it's a cold country, so no, you can't buy pineapples in january, and if you can, imo; you shouldn't be able to.

Edit: Thank you for discussing; I don't think it's possible answering this question based on the fact, that everyone has different eating habits from childhood.

The way I grew up - which I think goes for a lot of danes - was eating "with the season"; in wintertime that means a lot of cabbage, root vegetables and potatoes from the autumn harvest. Atm asparagus are in season; thus one eats a lot of asparagus. If I were to buy strawberries in wintertime (which I would never do) of course they taste like water - because they are made in a dutch greenhouse....

Garage til større køretøjQuestion

Jeg vurderer lejlighed i Kbh, men har brug for et sted at parkere en større varevogn der bruges til en hobby. Det skal være en aflåst garage med adgang til strøm, vand og afløb. Gåafstand til S-tog eller lign. Hvor finder man sådan noget?

Ideelt set køb, men leje kan også fungere.

Når jeg spørger andre med tilsvarende behov har de som regel løst det ved at købe/leje et sted på landet, samt købe en mindre bil (og parkering) for at kunne køre ud til den større bil. Kan det ikke gøres smartere?

Impossible to get a danish bf

It’s crazy all the years I’ve been trying to date here and yet either they are super boring, and/or not interested. I’m considered the whole package, fun, intelligent, attractive and have no problem attracting friends or guys for dates but chemistry is lacking, or they don’t like that I’m a foreigner. So I’m only good for a no commitment, friends with benefits thing…while I’m Have no issues back home. And I always see them dumping the whole package but foreign girl, for the basic girl who isn’t even attractive compared to them. (I only see that in here and Germany where the man is the most attractive)

Arbejdsulykke på Nørrebro i morges?

Jeg kørte forbi vejarbejdet på Mimersgade (foran sorte plads) i morges ved 7.30-tiden. På jorden lå en af struktørerne(?) på maven og skreg omringet af sine kolleger. Jeg var nødt til at køre videre, og der var flere i gang med at hjælpe med at ringe efter hjælp. Men jeg har intet hørt om sagen siden. Nogen der ved noget? Det virkede ret voldsomt.

Where do I buy mid/plus size prom dress?

I would like to buy it in an in person store rather than online, but I'm unsure of where to go. Help would be appreciated! Tak :)

Hvor ser AGF fans pokalfinalen i dag?

Fik desværre ikke billet til parken, så vil gerne se kampen i eftermiddag med ligesindede AGF tilhængere. Hvor skal jeg tage hen?

Network issues with Lycamobile today

Hi, anyone else experiencing network issues with Lycamobile SIM cards, today? The signal is spotty and, most importantly, I cannot connect to the Internet with it.


I morges, da jeg havde min affaldspose med ned i gården på vej til arbejde, studsede jeg over, at der manglede nogle containere. Vi plejer at have tre til restaffald, og de plejer at være ret godt fyldt op om søndagen (de bliver tømt mandag). Men i dag var der kun en, og der sad en seddel på den fra kommunen, hvor der stod, at man havde sløjfet de andre, så vi kan sortere bedre. Beboerne omkring denne gård gider ikke engang sortere glas fra, og de stiller jævnligt sofaer og andet storskrald ind i indelukket med skraldespande. Så jeg forudser, at nu bliver der ikke sorteret affald overhovedet, så alt affald kommer i den container som tilfældigvis står tættest på lågen, eller også bliver restaffald smidt på jorden, hvilket tiltrækker rotter. Er der andre, der er i samme situation?

There is something I don't understand about why supermarkets are not amazing

So I think it's common knowledge that the variety of groceries and product in general is very poor in DK.

So far I was convinced it was because it's a 5M people country so maybe there isn't enough market for certain brands or exporters which possibly prefer to export to countries where they can sell more but then I went to a supermarket in Sweden and...even the brands that are also in DK, have more selection!!

Why is that? Like for example I cannot never find a 90% cocoa Lindt chocolate in CPH but there was plenty in Malmo.

Also, is there a rule about size of store? I just realized the supermarket in DK are relatively small compared to other countries.

So yeah, I was wondering what's the problem.

My 2nd time in Copenhagen - Walking on sidewalks is odd here.

Walking down the sidewalks here compared to USA or other countries, no one in Copenhagen moves. Solo people walk in the middle and very often groups are walking 3-4 people wide taking up the entire sidewalk forcing me to go into the street or squish myself against a wall. This happened easily 10 times in 4 days. I noticed it last year when I was here too. I stay as far right as possible, but on smaller sidewalks or area with bike racks people still walk middle.

Is this normal? Is this a “thing” here?

Bass/dub music in CPH?

Has the dub/reggae/bass music scene completely died out in this town? I miss the good old days of rubadub on Stengade and those things. Does anyone know of venues that are still popping?

Beach Handball in Copenhagen?Question

Hey guys,

I am a German exchange student who is studying at the DTU. I wanted to know if there are any Beach Handball teams in the Kopenhagen area who are competing in the danish championship. I played last year in the German beach open play mostly defense sometimes specialist or center back

If it is just for training that would also be alright with me:)

I wrote some clubs already but most didn't answer

Hope you can help me:)

Identifying affaldsansvarlig

I need to get rid of an old couch. When I take a look at, it says that only the affaldsansvarlig can order a pickup for storskrald.

I don't know who the affaldsansvarlig is for my building, and my landlord hasn't been responding when I mail them. Is there any way I can look this up on a commune site or something? Should it be on my lease? Or is my only option to go knocking on doors until someone can tell me who the affaldsansvarlig is?

Small craftbeer spots in Copenhagen.

Hi everyone, in the past few days I made a research of all past reddit threads about craftbeer tips in this beautiful city. Along with other beerguides I have saved a lot of pubs I wanna visit.

I wonder if you could recommend me other smaller pubs that are not in the centre (or could be) and arent usually on the list? What I am looking for is:

  • variety of unique beers (do not need 40 beers on tap)
  • calm atmosphere, not overcrowded, local people, not tourists