Merch truck in StockholmQuestions?

Anyone know what days the merch truck will be there? Wondering if I can beat some of the rush by going when I get my VIP package

Merch truck in StockholmDISCUSSION

Anyone know what days the merch truck will be there? Wondering if I can beat some of the rush by going when I get my VIP package

ISO yarn store recommendations!Question

Looking for a yarn store in Copenhagen preferably with some local yarns. Thanks!

Run clubs?

Any recs for run clubs in DC or Arlington for a slower runner (11 min mile)?

ISO tank pattern!Pattern: Help me find/What is this 🤔

Looking for a tank top that isnt tight. I like the look of tank no 9 from my favorite things but want something with positive ease. Thanks!

Yeah I kind of just did as I pleased at the end and it worked lol. Def did less rounds than it said. I think I did the 20 regular decreases then worked on both sides until I had no shoulder stitches left

Kappa kappa gamma

Anyone know why they’re on cease and desist status by the university?

Help with bottom up raglan decreases!Help

Help! This is my first time doing a bottom up sweater and I am getting to the raglan decreases. My pattern (ester sweater by SkappelxHeleneMoo) has it broken down into two sections: raglan and neck shaping. I am confused about how many rounds of each I need to do because if I do this many rounds, my sweater will be incredibly long and I'll have no stitches left because I will have decreased so many doing raglan decreases. I am doing a medium (second size) - is it 27 decrease rounds in total?




Wool and company said they ordered it for me! They were easier to work with about ordering yarn they didn’t currently have in stock. My LYS doesn’t carry any sandnes garn either o I would have asked them

Sandnes garn back ordered?Questions about Equipment

I ordered Sandnes garn yarn from wool and company over a month ago and it still hasn’t shipped. When I reached out to them they said more popular colors are on back order. Anyone else facing the same issue?

How to do sleeve increases in pattern?Help

I have a bottom up color work sweater I am starting and am new to colorwork. How do I do increases while staying in pattern? It is a 6 row/6 stitch pattern, increasing 2 stitches every 2 cm

One time I was sitting across from a man with a hospital bracelet on and wearing gym shorts. The whole time I noticed something peeking out of the bottom and didn’t want to look too closely in case it what was I thought it was. Halfway through the ride he sticks his hand down his pants and pulls up a heavy sock that was tied to his gym shorts waistband. Once he gets that open he pulls out a small wad of cash and coins. It was a safe place to keep his worldly possessions and I’m glad it wasn’t actually his dick peeking out of the bottom of his shorts.

Darn. Why do you say that it’s taken the joy out of knitting? Glad I haven’t bought the yarn yet haha

Also late to the game! Any one attempted this yet? I bought the pattern and have some questions

Best way to block mohair?Help

I finished a sweater with silk mohair yarn (knitting for olive mohair) and I’m not sure the best way to block it. Is wet blocking it right?

I’ll try watering less. I tend to over love my plants :) yes to a drainage hole as well

Yeah. I stuck my finger down a couple of inches to make sure it was dry before watering

It’s a straw like material

No pests. I maybe water once a month. Is that still too much?