All things Monstera!

r/Monstera107.8K subscribers16 active
Monstera Sticky Community PostsDiscussion

Hi everyone,

We thought we’d start a regular series of sticky posts to get gather the knowledge and experience of the community - so we can learn from each other and be able to share our contributions with newcomers and future Monstera keepers.

The idea is that we choose a topic (see below on this) and sticky it up for a period of time and ask everyone to contribute what they know on the matter, share their experiences, and post up tips and advice on the subject too.

We can then all benefit from the community and use it to further expand our wiki.

Please feel free to suggest a topic here. I’ll kick it off soon with soil mixes.

We hope everyone will chip in and enjoy a good bit of community discussion.

Thank you all 🙏

Pinnedby Mjireddit
r/Monstera Community Post - Nutrients & FeedingCommunity Post

Hi everyone,

Well it’s been a while since we’ve started a new community post so here one to keep us going again for a little while.

This time:

Nutrients and feeding

So share with the r/monstera community you feeding approaches, regimes, tips and advice!

Here’s some topics to think about:

  • Do you feed your monstera?
  • How often?
  • What do you use?
  • Do you use any other supplements?
  • Any tips to make feeding easier?

Looking forward to seeing all your great information!

Pinnedby Mjireddit
When to Stake

When should you stake a monstera? I have a baby one at the moment, only 3 big leaves but it’s about 12 inches tall in a 6 inch pot. Should I start training it young or wait for it to get more mature? I just don’t want it to sprawl out when it’s young and not be able to be tamed as it gets older haha