The government printing money has nothing to do with wages being so low, this is capitalist greed, pure and simple.

But that is just about the biggest shit on earth.

I don't really understand why everyone says stratt doesn't give a shit... She probably gives more shots than anyone else in the whole book.

Fat Alcoholic :Denmark-Troll:

Except that standard of living, gdp, education and life expectancy all are lower than during the soviet union, and recovering slowly due to capitalist greed.

Edit: to those people who downvote without doing any research, i recommend watching this video: And read through the sources of the video, it's very eye opening.

Perhaps instead of hurling insults you should participate in dialogue and have a civil discussion.

Fat Alcoholic :Denmark-Troll:

Iceland can into balldick

Adrian is not a gas planet, it has a solid surface and just has a very thick atmosphere.

I couldn't have put it better myself. To me, that is the definition of evil.

I don't think he has the capacity to feel he shouldn't do anything he wants to, and thus will never understand that.

Chadtopian Citizen

Staged, it has to be staged

If you genuinely are religious, then I'd seriously take a talk to my priest about that whole "love thy neighbour" part

"Ub bub, one person sent me to my death, I guess I have to doom the rest of humanity to their death now out of spite for one person, uuuhhhhhhbg." -u/JuanWarren54

Am I getting that right?

Because any person who is not a psychopath would have empathy, this is literally the entire definition of psychopathy. And letting billions of people starve to death when you could have helped them, at this point at no real cost to yourself, is not something a person who is capable of empathy could ever do. If you do not feel sad for people when you see their suffering, you do not have empathy, making you a psychopath or sociopath. It's quite easy to understand.

It's not about a statue or fame or anything like that, it's about helping people in need, because you have the ability to do so.

I think you should take one of those psychopath/sociopath tests and return with the results. You might learn a thing or two about yourself.

Then clearly you did not pursue an education in stem.

If you paid attention in class, you'd know that they did teach you that.

Dooming your entire species, no matter what anyone has done to you, when you can help, is evil. Billions of people dying from starvation, billions of not just men, but women and children, and not just strangers, but every single friend and family member you have, dying a slow painful death, just because one person was didn't want to do his part to protect his people. To me, this is evil. To me, not volunteering to go when you have the best chance of succes, is already extremely bad.

If what I have read here in your post and in your comments on this post is really true, then you are not a decent human being, I would even say that you are evil. But I do not think you are being honest, no one, except for genuine psychopaths would be this heartless and cruel. If this is you, I suggest that you seek help.

Will they elect the red senile old imperialist or the blue senile old imperialist


SES Hammer of Democracy reporting for duty