My mother in law (55F) lives with me (30F), my husband (29M), and our three kids (SS7), my daughter (6), and our daughter (1).

Some info, his mom is around but he only sees her maybe 2 days a month. All the kids needs and wants comes out of my paycheck.

The issue is my MIL has what I consider an unhealthy attachment to my SS. She's to the point where she's obsessed with him.

He can do nothing wrong in her eyes. He sleeps in bed with every night even though he definitely has his own bed. If I tell him to do something he doesn't want to do or she doesn't think he should do, she either does it for him or throws a fit saying he shouldn't have to.

The breaking point was last night when I told the kids to go to bed and specified they needed to go get in their own bed. My SS went and got in my MIL bed. I told him he needed to go get in his bed. He threw a fit saying she said he could and she's screaming saying that he always sleeps with her.

I ended up winning that argument but then I hear her talking to my husband saying "he's only slept in his bed one night this summer. He always sleeps with me." Then I made the comment that he's going to sleep in his bed every night once school starts and she laughs and goes "no he's not." I was so angry at that point I just walked away.

Then I hear him in his bedroom saying that when I go to bed she'll come get him. He said that I'm going to get mad and she goes "I don't care!"

At that point I told my husband I'm not parenting him anymore. I'll still help with him but I'm not parenting. She can pay for and bring him to all his extra curriculars, she can get him up and bring him to school, she can buy all his school clothes and supplies. If he wants to stay up till 5am, so be it. If he wants to eat nothing but microwave Ramen, I'm done fighting it.

My husband told me that SS is going to be the one to end up suffering for it and I responded with telling him that I can't take the constant walking on egg shells in my house and the stress so I'm washing my hands of this.

So AITAH for saying I'm not parenting my SS?