Stop worrying about the gossip. People are always going to say things. Start worrying more that you have no say in your own life. You have no say in where you live, you have no say in how things are going to be living in someone else's house, you have no say in whether private matters between a husband and wife are discussed with his mother, you have no say in who she talks to or what she says. Start worrying more about why you are agreeing to live like this. And by staying, you are agreeing to live like this. Would you rather have your good girl reputation or happiness? You can live under other people's rules or you can make changes. Up to you. Your husband can make changes or stay like he is, Up to him. If he can't or won't make the changes you need, then make them and move on without him.

All of you need to get together and consult an attorney. For the fraud and for the illegal firing in retaliation for disputing the cards.

Edit to add this will be for a civil case that will need to be filed in addition to the criminal charges you all will file against him.

Nope, nope, nopeity nope nope NO. If she doesn't have a dress for next weekend, that's pretty poor planning on her part so the more likely answer is she has a dress but likes yours better. Sing it with me,

Nope, nope, nopeity nope nope NO

I'm convinced most of what's wrong with adults is caused by over-controling parents not letting them do weird stuff when they were little. Sure, they need boundaries, but when it isn't hurting them or anyone else, let a kid be a kid. Good job, Mom!

OOP says he will never love anyone the way he loved his late wife. And he is right. But he can love someone just as much as he loved her. I love my spouse very much and I loved my late husband very much, still do. It's different, but good. Of course my husband is respectful of my late husband and of the children we have. He knew going in he would never take late husband's place, and he never tried, he made his own space. I hope OOP finds that.

They think that since she forgave him she should also accept the child. The flaw is this thinking is the she forgave him part. She may have decided to forgive him, but for betrayal of that magnitude, forgiveness is a process. And she had barely begun that process when he shows up with affair baby acting like she had no choice or say. That would set the whole forgiveness process back past where it originally started.

Brother will have to file his own report. She can file for hers, and should, but she is not the victim of cards taken out in someone else's name. When brother files, she can add a statement to his that parents admitted to this to her and that's how she and brother found out.

Apparently we think alike, no judgments.

When they walk out on the balcony, Nick's face shows Henry's relief and joy to be out in front of his people and Alex looks terrified because they are not his people. Then after the election when they take the stage with Ellen, Alex is overjoyed and Henry is happy but nervous because these are Alex's people.. They flipped the scene, but Nick knew his response had to be much more nuanced in that moment and he was working the face and body language.

It's not being difficult to want to be held accountable for your work and to expect the same of others. Unless they both are expecting you to take the fall. In which case you definitely want receipts and the COO looped in.

"SS will be the one who suffers" so he knows it's wrong and expects you to fix it. Your SO is weak if he won't protect you and his child from what he has admitted is bad for the child.

Forward to your supervisor, cc coworker and COO, "I have no record of email coworker says they sent me, however I did add event A and other event. I later realized other event had been removed and I re-added it but missed that Event A had also been removed. I'm sure it is easily trackable for you to determine who or what caused those events to go away. Also, I do not understand how coworker as forgotten our meeting of (date) where I specifically said Event A must be on the agenda, I have my notes on that meeting (don't mention yet that your notes are a recording) if you would like to review those. Since this communication mixup has happened before, I think going forward, the best policy will be to reiterate all main points of discussion between coworker and I in an email follow-up to be sure we are on the same page. I will be happy to copy you in on those if you like.

This puts them all on notice that you will not be caught out again without email backups of any discussions with coworker. Keep printed copies of this paper trail. By copying in COO, they don't have to get involved, but it puts them and supervisor on notice that coworker is a problem and you are not playing this game with her.

Walter's knows it's unconstitutional, he's playing politics. He gets to play this up, show his conservative values, make a name for himself, be in the news and the citizens of Oklahoma get to pay to defend this In court while he knows full well it won't win. He gets to use taxpayers dollars to bolster his political ambitions and we get a failed lawsuit in return. And conservative Republicans will fall for it every time. The Republican party is no longer the party of fiscal responsibility. Every time you hear a bill that imposes church on the state, they are using your tax dollars for their reelection. Don't fool yourself into thinking they are Christian, they are merely pandering.

Stop worrying so much about the legal aspect and find a good child psychologist and let them guide you in what's best for the child. Find the best way to integrate the child into your home and the best way to prevent the child from having abandonment issues from leaving the grandparents home. Your primary goal is to do what is best for the child and that means ignoring the wishes of any adult who gets in the way of that, including your own. You have a responsibility to minimize the trauma to this child.

The first thing police dispatch would have told MIL is get in the car and lock the doors. She would have been told repeatedly to disengage and get to a safer space. Exactly what you told her. It's not your fault she too pigheaded to follow your very sensible advice. Moreover, your MIL, being older and female, probably got off much easier than you would have. The likelihood is you would have been seen as more of a threat and beaten much worse than she was. 4 drunks against 1 sober man are not good odds. And the truth is, you have small children to take care of and getting yourself hurt or killed for someone's ego would have made you as bad as she was. She showed absolutely no regard for the safety and wellbeing for the children who were in the car and should not be trusted to be near them, due to her own poor judgment. The trauma of that incident could have been much worse for them had you chosen to act like her. What you see as embarrassing is actually what makes you a good parent.

We are a law and order state, but only if we (our state government) like the law, otherwise all bets are off. Thinking about it, maybe we're more of a pick and chose state.

That student debt is all hers same as the inheritance. I would refuse to make those payments part of the joint monthly expenses now that she can pay them off. Otherwise, monthly expenses should still be income based.

Oh, I agree that the book is much more balanced but I'm talking about the movie. And I understand that making a movie has so many more constraints in the form of time and budget. But in the sequel I do hope the relationship between Alex and Henry becomes more balanced and Taylor gets a more nuanced Alex to sink his acting teeth into. It can't just be Alex always saving Henry.

I was going to say, check the city and county websites for jobs. Check surrounding towns as well.

If Prince Henry taught us anything, it's that we don't know crap about what a working royal actually thinks or any opinion they might hold privately.