The half that think you're wrong can take them in and deal with their BS. Animal abuse is never okay.


NTA. Why did you stay beyond 18? You're an adult. Enjoy life and just block them on messenger.

We discovered snakes in our yard 2 weeks ago had dug this hole as I happened to be looking out my slider and saw it disappear. It seems to be its den. The hole was the same size.

Your new wife is a bigger AH than your ex-wife. Not sure how you don't see it. Continue to give your don money. He's your son and is the most important person.


YTA. So because someone said something while drunk, you panicked and broke it off. Based on her reaction to the breakup, it seems like you really jumped the gun.

Relationships are complex, and at times, you have to work through problems. There was no real discussion when you both were sober. Things can be said completely out of context when liquor I involved. Postponing the wedding is one thing, but breaking up and destroying the relationship, I think she just escaped a bad marriage. From zero to 100 is what you did.

Unfortunately, YTA. He, too, is dealing with the death of his daughter and his sister. Seek professional help. He is taking care of the living. Kick yourself as this child just lost their mother. She needs compassion, and you should help that child in coping with her loss as she's your niece as well.

NTA. Steer clear of these two. Both are liars. He could have been truthful from the moment you found out, yet he rode on your ignorance along with her. Be a better person to yourself and cut contact with both. He can speak about your common kids but nothing more. I'd recommend that you get therapy for yourself and your two kids.

Ganache Bakery at 306 S. Dixie Hwy in West Palm Beach. Their cakes and pastries are so good. Check out their website.

It all depends on what your expenses look like. Keep in mind that you're lifting your life and moving it here. If you have kids or need family support around you, that plays into your decision.

Must be a lonely marriage. Must have hit a sore spot for that comeback! Best you got? Keep your horrible advice to yourself lonely one! 🤣

NTA. Seems to be that you married a petulant man-child who apparently doesn't understand the definition of a honeymoon. Get an annulment.

This has got to be the most ignorant response I've seen when it comes to relationships and honeymoon. You come off as the uncle sticking his nose into a brand new marriage. You apparently have zero experience in relationships.

Colo-rectal Surgeon [40]

Why haven't you changed or added a password to your network? I wouldn't have even said anything, just lock it down.

NTA. Stay NC, and your daughter has always been that way. She's just showing you her true colors now that your husband and son are gone.

I highly recommend that you draw up a will and leave everything to charity. Just because you pass away doesn't mean she automatically gets everything.


I think your husband is disgusted by her behavior and doesn't know what to do about it. I think you should sit and discuss and go full NC with this nut.


If you passed them and are doing the speed limit, then you broke the law as his lights were on. If you can't change lanes, then you're supposed to drop 20 mph below posted speed before passing them. Actually, this applies to ANY car pulled over.

NTA. But your brother and SIL are solid assholes. Do not give these two entitled individuals anything. I hope you don't plan to have them at your wedding and as for your parents, where were they when he pulled his petty crap at the wedding?

BTW, that is a beautiful dress and should not have been a big deal.

YTA. It was her money you gambled with, and she should have gotten it all. It wasn't yours to begin with.

NTA. Keep it from him. He's financially abusive. You need to find a way out.

NTA, and he is clueless about what that means. Even my kids' father said the same thing to our kids when they were born. I responded with, "I know! Right?!"

Our kids take a special place in our hearts. He needs to get over it.

Interesting and really good to know. Thanks!

My understanding is that the car has to be owned, insured, and registered in the same name. Insurance companies won't write a policy unless you have a license.

Colo-rectal Surgeon [40]

YTA. You sound extremely lazy, and it seems like he is carrying the weight of providing and also caring for the home. You're not a SAHM but someone who comes off as lazy and expecting someone else to do all the work. Start doing your part. You should be cooking meals for the kids and at least ensure he has a meal after working Ling shifts. I don't think that is much to ask for.