Do you have an example of those posts? I mean some people aren’t literally putting women down but it’s heavily implied. For example, I ride motorcycles which is widely a men dominated hobby. I’ve recently come across the social media of a pick me posting things like:

Being not only female but also 20, I feel so disconnected from the majority of my peers. Everyone’s on TikTok & Tinder but I’m ok a Harley :))

I mean, technically she didn’t insult anyone. But she felt the need to point out how special she is amongst all the other girls her age which is kinda inciting big NLOG energy. Sometimes it’s a slippery slope. But the tone of how you talk about others certainly makes a difference.

Honestly that’s not where i would put my foot down first. I’m stuck at not taking environmentalists seriously the second they say they’re eating meat & consuming dairy. Animal agriculture is way more responsible for CO2 pollution than aviation. And it’s very easy to avoid.

I mean, most women I personally know also play some kind of video game. I was a bit surprised about the “movies” part. But lots of men definitely still kinda gatekeep gaming & anime as “men hobbies” while in reality… they aren’t at all. Some People just fail to acknowledge it.

Ich weiß gar nicht, wo man da anfangen soll… ohje… 🤦‍♀️

泡沫のユークロニア | Tobari & Yori Simp

Didn’t expect Mistonia being picked up even before its JP release. Very interesting. I kinda expected Uchronia though.

泡沫のユークロニア | Tobari & Yori Simp

Let’s hope they don’t call her BEIFALL.

Just don’t put other women down. You don’t need to like the same thing other women do like. However don’t put them down for their preferences. It’s actually quite easy.

Well, how are you gonna tell? I agree if that’s the case they aren’t your friend. But ruling out all friends of opposite sex because of that is also silly. Women also likely wouldn’t stop being friends with their bisexual female friend to “not disrespect the relationship”. It’s just people assuming the worst by default.

In that case would you suggest bisexual people to just stay away from everyone…? That’s kinda weird isn’t it?

This needs to be higher up. In case one of those friends can’t accept boundaries and falls in love with OP they can still be cut off. But just having opposite sex friends is normal and shouldn’t be viewed in such a dramatic manner. Like… what are Pan/Bisexual people supposed to do? Not have friends cause there could be potential romantic tension?

vegan activist

Most people won’t even entertain the idea of eating less junk for health reasons. Heck lots of smokers won’t even quit smoking even though their doctors told them they’re close to cardiac arrest. People just aren’t very smart sometimes and put comfort over their own lives.

Context, probably. It was likely mean spirited or some acne care product to rub into her face she has skin issues she needs to “fix”. I’ve seen this shit with a friend of mine.

NTA but the uncle isn’t your problem, it’s your husband. Seems he also has the spine of a jellyfish. How did the uncle even end up knowing your exact travel plans? Because he told him. Great start for a marriage … you need to start establishing boundaries or otherwise they’ll walk all over you in the future too. If there is even a future. I’d be extremely mad being left alone at the beach on my honeymoon without any trace from my husband.


Tbh I don’t think you really missed them. You probably missed the idea of having a nice family to connect to, which you didn’t have to begin with because of how problematic your family members were. I don’t blame you, but it seems you had to face a idealisation vs reality situation here. You don’t need them in your life and you don’t need to feel bad for it. We don’t chose our birth family. But we can chose who we want to interact with.

Had to scroll far too long for this. Kassel sucks and it’s only getting worse lol.

vegan activist

The vast majority of people overestimates how much protein they actually need (especially a lot of those gym bros lol)

Protein shakes are more a convenience rather than necessity. Just consuming whole foods containing protein (tofu, seitan, soy milk, chickpeas…) is fine.

Maybe you can get some more detailed help on r/veganfitness though.

vegan activist

Except depending where you are fries might be prepared with beef tallow :|

That’s a long ass post to say your husband is a toxic momma’s boy. NTA though, even if he was a saint on earth you don’t need to stay in a relationship you don’t want. Glad you’re finally ready to move on. Do it, you’ll feel a lot better with all the weight gone.

It’s pretty great. Though I feel like the japanese still do that one better.

vegan activist

You’re right. Better planning is key. I know the whole south of my country is literally hell for vegans. So whenever I go out there, I’m preparing myself a nice bento box with my favourite foods to go.

I think your mindset might be something to work on. You see eggs and you see tasty breakfast. When I see eggs I see the product of an exploited laying hen that probably ends up with reproductive cancer. If she isn’t killed after 18 months (which seems to be the standard) because she doesn’t produce enough eggs anymore. And I see roosters shredded at birth for that hen to be alive. There is no way I would chose to eat it, no matter the taste.

And third, cooking skill is a big obstacle for some. If you learn to properly cook and use natural flavours from veggies and spices, there is no way food would taste bland. So maybe trying out some cooking guides/recipes might be helpful and even a fun thing to do with your soy boy. :)

Kruidvat actually has surprisingly nice supplements at a fraction of the pharmacy price. I’m vegan so I take b12. Switched from 15€ pharmacy supplements to 2€ Kruidvat ones and blood tests are roughly the same with both. Really can’t complain.

Sadly it seems insurance is kinda expensive in Belgium. Especially if you don’t insure a car with your scooter/bike. 200€/year still seems kinda cheap from what I’ve seen them asking for sport bikes for basic coverage… (I never covered a scooter though, just bikes) You could always try with Yuzzu, though they have a bad rep for not covering stuff in case of actual accidents …

vegan activist

I agree we need to keep in mind most of us were not born vegan. There was an awful lot of dissociation happening in my mind too. Honestly thinking about it I probably annoyed the hell out of my vegan friends with my carnist bingo bs. I’m glad they kept calm during it.

Depends on your style but honestly I love the cbr650r. It’s a great pick if you’re leaning towards sporty bikes that still don’t have a full tuck position and are made for road use. But it entirely depends on your needs and preferences. The MT 07 is a great bike too.