Ironically enough, happy cake day 😁

American movies kill me when someone stomps around inside or stretches out on a couch with shoes still on.

Kick. Her. Out
She is a full grown adult, where she lives is not your problem. This is not a solution and is affecting your other kids and will only get worse as time goes on. YTA for allowing it to continue.

Losing my niece at a huge summer fair. Her mother & I looked away for seconds, but there were so many people that's all it took. I almost threw up on the spot. I never judged people with those kid leashes ever again. And yes we did find her, unharmed, but it took a bit and those were the worst minutes of my life by far.

I truly think she is having a reaction due to something in her past, whether it happened to her or someone she knew. And for what it's worth I'm female so not some bro just agreeing lol

You were drinking & horny. It was consensual and you didnt go back for more, that's what's important.

I think he's just trying to avoid all the idiots going on about stat rape & how he could be hauled off to prison any time.

No I don't think you're wrong. I had plenty of casual sex at that age and never asked how old my partner was. I think your ex friend is unable to see past your current age and the girls age. I think she's a bit of an idiot but you can't know what may have happened previously in her life to cause this strong reaction.

If you don't feel like you can talk about it share some porn with him that uses it & see what his reaction is.

I have to disagree since I did get the point across. There can be a happy medium between the two.

The kids are 7, while I agree totally their behaviour is completely wrong there is something to be said for calling them on it and continuing to do so rather than cutting them out of her life.

I agree but we are literally talking about how words matter and I think it is important to get some words right

True re sexism & the way they phrased it. But, I remember being so passionate about justice, inequality, bigotry etc at that age that reason didn't always penetrate. Which I believe is the case here. Age does play a factor because teenagers brains are literally different than adults and we need to recognize that. Not that they are less but they are different

NTA for confronting them & standing up for your friend. The offense here is bigotry, not racism. Bigotry covers race, religion and so much more.

You literally asked people to correct you if you were wrong. That's all they are doing. To be clear, your sister is a complete & total asshole, the kids are partial assholes, due to age. It's great you're standing up for your friend & passionate about justice. Just don't let it blind you to someone asking a question.

No the word you should be using is 'bigot' or 'bigoted'

I get a bad reaction, swelling up & turning red. For others like me, that's the issue. Or, if you get dozens of bites.

You're a good person so you want to help the kids, very understandable. Now is the time to make your financial situation and his lack of contribution crystal clear to both the kids & their mothers. Set firm boundaries & warn them his attitude is horrible and you are most likely headed for divorce. Then you have done all you can do for this situation and look at changing your priorities to focus on what is best for you & your young children.

Knowing what movie is on the tv, even if I haven't seen it, from just one glance at a scene. I'm right about 95% of the time.

I second the recommendation for visiting Whyte Ave. It's been awhile since I don't live in Edmonton anymore but that has been my favourite part of the city for 20 years.

You're having trouble seeing it from his perspective because he is behaving unreasonably. The way he is talking to you & threatening to leave is emotional abuse. You have not done a single thing wrong here. He needs to get into counseling to determine why he is trying so controlling and reacting in such a way. If he doesn't then I don't see any hope for your future together unfortunately.