I think this is one of those things you get hung up on when you’re young. I’m 26 years married and all I remember was being too tired to enjoy my wedding night. My husband understood. We still had sex but I think he enjoyed it a lot more because he wasn’t as exhausted as I was. But it was never a big deal. Maybe try to explain that with it being such a big day and so much going on that you didn’t realize how much you hurt his feelings. Smooth it over as best you can. I don’t thing you’re an AH and overall it’s kind of a silly thing but he obviously needs some soothing.

Is this real? Because it sounds absolutely insane. If this is real you would not be out of line in not attending at all. Your family is insufferable.

It’s very strange. I’d be upset for so many reasons. Not just believing your toxic ex- but meeting with her in the first place. Why on earth did she think that was a good idea? I can’t blame you for just wanting to be done. It all sounds very unfair.

At the end of the day all they want is money and not a relationship. Screw them. NTA.

I had to do this with my husband when my daughter was a baby. Different circumstances but similar abandonment. I gave my husband the same ultimatum and he came home and we worked it out. I hope the same for you but you are definitely NTA for standing your ground.

You’ve been with your wife for four years, presumably without any abuse, and yet she still believed your ex? Why would she think you’re capable of that? I’m trying to understand your relationship dynamics because that’s very strange.

He’s a manipulative ass imo. He’s definitely weaponizing your sympathy to avoid any responsibility. Probably best to cut bait.

She can dish it out but can’t take it- and that’s her problem. NTA. And your husband needs to get a backbone and stick up for you.

I worked for tips for years and wouldn’t have tipped either. I can understand if you had a sit down meal- she’d would have an argument then. But to make an issue out of this is silly NTA.

This is your and your fiancées wedding and honestly it’s unfair to ask her to put up with someone who makes her uncomfortable on her wedding day. Hopefully her only wedding day. She’s going to be a mess if she’s actively dreading dealing with this woman. I wouldn’t call you an AH because I understand your predicament but if there is a way to keep this woman away I’d do it.

My husband and I have always taken the same sex parent approach- my daughter comes to me and my son goes to him (mostly). I knew my daughter was sexually active first and gently told my husband later and he appreciated that I handled it because he wasn’t sure how to approach it. I think you let the kids go to the parent they’re most comfortable with and use your best judgment. Based on your post I think you did just that. NTA

Good for you. You’ve already started the process of fixing this- now make sure you stick to it.

The real question is why your wife is so jealous of the relationship you have with your niece? It sounds sweet and wholesome to me and I’d be proud of my husband if he was such an involved and loving brother and uncle. You are definitely NTA but your wife is.

I’m a woman and know how pregnancy hormones can make a woman irrational- so I’m voting NTA I don’t think you were at all unreasonable.

I had a friend that did this and it’s so disappointing. I must say that I did get some satisfaction in that she divorced six months later.

What’s wrong with you? Are you an entitled 18 year old? Because you sure seem like one.

It’s 100% your business. All the more reason to keep hell away from your kids until she respects your rules.