You’re right I missed that she called and no answer. Probably that’s why she started texting thinking he was in the hospital with his Mom.

The woman is scared and evidently he’s all she has and she’s attached herself to her child. There’s no mention of husband, partner or heck even a friend. It just seems like he’s all she has.

The man was sitting in his vehicle freaking out about his Mom. Wifey so upset why didn’t she call and tell him she’s in labor nope she’s TA

Yes I’m going to say it since the rest are all in your pity corner TA!! His Mother has cancer he’s stressed they’re both stressed as it’s not always a death sentence it’s still scary. Is there any reason you couldn’t drive yourself to your appointments? He has every right to be upset his Mom is sick and scared and hanging to her son. Who evidently is an only child as you haven’t mentioned any siblings. Then he has a pregnant wife who’s just as clingy. He’s truly stuck between two clingy women. Congratulations on your daughter praying all is well with her. But yep you TA he wasn’t there for her birth because he was freaking out in a hospital parking lot because his Mother was in there bleeding. Next you’ll be on here asking AITA when your husband has a mental episode because he’s trying to be there for 2 women and a brand new baby girl. Damn give the man a break!

This is the best thread ever! I’m laughing so hard 😂🤣😂

I’m in my 60’s slapping on 70’s door and I learned a long time ago I can only please me. Also developed a F it attitude if I can’t fix or change F it. Do you and let her do her. Just continue to live your life to the fullest possible 🎊

Yep ALL of the above! He’s 7 if she wants to parent him she needs to get her own place with him. Dad needs to grow a few!

Nope not like that I don’t. I’m not going to ask for a sticker and then start attacking there’s always that random button you can push.

Prayers 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Yes as this happened to me but it wasn’t money constraints. My husband’s brother remarried and the person he married didn’t want me at the wedding so an invitation wasn’t sent to our home. Now my husband was in the wedding and he and our son attended I didn’t. This was years ago they’re still together and I still have no interaction with her accept at family gatherings and then it’s a Hey how you’re doing and move on. No love lost

This is cool but don’t do like someone who requested a 2 star sticker and then start attacking my shields. Nope not giving you shitz don’t care if it’s 2.

This is the answer right here OP! Tad033 I’m sorry for your loss

You do you. You make each other happy so don’t concern yourself over others thoughts.

Just like that 👆🏽

Yes Sir YTA your soon to be ex and baby are fine because they don’t have you and screaming kid to bother them. Why don’t you apologize and tell screamer next time she screams at the baby she will be punished. Or better yet scream in her ear and see how she likes it. This poor Mom

It’s better than a lot of names celebrities give their children. Is your mate a celebrity?

NTA if you and the cousin are going to this park wedding why can’t her parents use their truck to deliver & pick up? They’re sounding more like TA.

Get an attorney quick since you’re really the bread winner protect your earnings. Let him go get his “traditional” wife but not on your traditional dime. He knew this conference was important to you. Good luck

Ok you do you. Try volunteering at a food bank then tell me it’s not nearly as dire. Big bad