‘We’ve heard worse’ is really not the gotcha the union and arbitrator seem to think it is.

Same. Also one of “those nurses”. If I wasn’t on these cases the majority of them would not be getting any treatment done because requests don’t get sent in by docs, paperwork is missed, requests are submitted for the wrong surgery / body part / claim. There are some cases where things go smoothly with everything submit and processed properly the first time but that is not the norm.

I have plenty of calls with adjusters about getting previously denied treatment approved and getting treatment addressed as well. It’s fascinating to see how many people assume that nurses are not still advocates for care.


Fries, chips, bbq, Korean…if he can sneak it he will eat it.

You have to be a special level of crazy to turn down Korean mom cooking. Reminds me we’re overdue for an outing to our local family owned Korean place for a feast. NTA.

Sunghoon is wearing the longest tie that has ever been tied

You didn’t ask. You made a unilateral decision to order a teenager around because she ‘seems lazy’ to you. How did you think it would go? What you SHOULD have done is sit down to have a family meeting on household chores and who does what. Just because a child is out of school does not automatically make her your personal maid and expecting anyone to iron sheets is just stupid. YTA.

This is a problem with your husband, not your MIL or SS. Until he steps up takes control of the situation things will not change. NTA.

It’s far more likely that choices were made for her and she had little say in the matter considering when todays grandmas were starting out in life they lived in a world where they had little to no say in financial decisions and had to have permission from a spouse or male relative to own bank accounts, credit or make financial decisions. The world where women in the west had true control over their finances is still a very new normal.

Restrictions usually are written to apply at home and work. It sounds like your doc. Wrote for light duty.

You're post is bit confusing. You indicate the doc gave you restrictions but then that he says not to return to work. If your work status the doctor provided lists restrictions, then employers will offer light duty if they can accommodate and it is expected that you would return to work. If the doctor wrote you should be off work then your employer would not be able to offer modified duty.

It is exceedingly naive to think that anyone can make a lifelong promise to never see their child again and you probably should not have continued the relationship once she said she had a child, regardless as to the level of involvement at the time.

That’s not really what that means.

He needs to advocate for himself and put the needs for his health first. It is a liability for his employer to have him work injured without being looked at and cleared by a doctor as well.

Unfortunately many supervisors at that level of an company are not familiar with how their workers comp insurance works and will try to pull this kind of thing. It’s important employees advocate for themselves at the time of an injury to ensure they are able to get their medical needs addressed and to get a comp claim filed as soon as possible.

Second this. Texas is different than a lot of jurisdictions and in most cases getting a lawyer is not going to make much of a difference unless there is a denial of compensability in play and payments for lawyers work different from other jurisdictions.

Regardless of what the issue is, the way you have handled this is completely inappropriate, probably will result in you having less contact with your granddaughter and definitely only made the situation worse for you and your granddaughter

Just putting it out there, from a diagnostic and coding standpoint complaints of pressure fall under pain and would be diagnosed and billed that way. There is not a separate diagnostic code for pressure pain and the providers have to use a valid diagnostic code for your visit. If it was chest pressure for example, it would still ultimately be a pain diagnosis.

Alice needs to check herself. It’s hard enough for a 15 year old to have her family dynamic completely change even without losing her space.

As a parent our responsibility is to teach our kids and support them. If your kid f’s up you tell them about it but still support them as your kid. Your husband is being ridiculous.

Here's the thing....as someone, relative, whoever gets older they are far less likely to change who they are. As a family member your choice is to either a) meet them where they are at and accept them for who they are to have a relationship or b) choose to distance. One of the biggest family issues we've had in my family is that my sister refuses to accept our mother for who she is and meet her where she's at to have a relationship. Because of that my sister continually gets frustrated and angry and ultimately there was a recent big blow up. I choose to accept my parents for who they are and maintain a relationship because at the end of the day its important to me to have that relationship even if it is not always sunshine and roses for everyone. Nobody is going to change who your sister is. Its just a matter of how important a relationship is for you.