I miss the coin tip jars. Like here’s .50

Ok so at my child’s preschool on really hot days they bring in popsicles, parents donate and it’s the cutest . Prob helps everyone get a 15-20 break and helps break up the mundane

Yup, had to put mine in OT and I pay $80 a month to have someone help him lick food lol

I took myself To the beach and my friends came too! We had dinner and the best day, kid free

I am a single mom and do too much screen time and it’s so hot so I can’t just do free outdoor outings. I’m going to do better but today we went to the park at 6:40 it was cooler and he got to go outside!

When the grandma said I don’t care you come sleep with me, that’s just weird the child was ok sleeping in their own bed, grandma is just trying to win it can’t stand the thought of not co creeping with grandson

Yup, 100. I hope OP holds her ground. I think grandma ever watching baby alone is not q safe idea, she could even bring the toddler back to her house. OP needs a trusted person to leave her toddler with in case of an emergency aide grandma ain’t it

Even if she caves and puts a fence in, I wouldn’t let him sleep over. There is no need.

Also OP please get some therapy for your low self esteem and to help you set boundaries

Her dogs aren’t potty trained, and they are old. You didn’t mention possible dog bites.

Everyone has told you what you need to hear, your mother in law can throw all the fits she wants but I would put a hard stop on her watching your kid at all, she could even take him to her house if you agree to let her watch him at your house.

Grey rock method her please. Ignore, don’t respond to her outburst

I have stopped talking to my mother for yelling at me kind front of my child, she actually hasn’t watched him alone ever because I don’t trust that her words will be kind towards him. So she would never be allowed to pull this shit that your mother in law is doing.

To add: when I was going through a divorce and caught my ex husband doing Drugs in our home I almost didn’t break up with him, but my friends words stuck with me: now that you know what he is capable of if anything happens to your son, that’s on you. So I’m telling you the same thing. You can’t trust this lady, it’s your job to protect your child. She can spend time with him at your house or nothing

She’s jealous of the sister and niece, always has been, hence the arguments about OP’s own money. She doesn’t care if their feelings are hurt or if it causes a rift because then she’s get what she wanted all along her husband 100 attention.

Him walking her down the isle takes nothing away from her

My kid launches toy cars down the slide but I’m usually there to pick them up. I don’t think I’ve scolded a kid. I did scold someone’s kid for using her water gun down the slide, I said we don’t wet slides because then other ppl can’t enjoy them

I don’t make my son share but encourage him to do so, and if a child has his toy I’d just ask for it back . It’s so bizarre to have a physical interaction with a child that you don’t know .

Or she’s just a kumquat. My son at daycare was walking down the hall and a mom nearly knocked him over trying to get by. If she had knocked him over I would have had some words for her

The one year old deserves better

New member!

All work go with the one you love

New member!

The navy blue dress is really nice

New member!

If it’s HW theme please wear 1

My four year old threw a car at my head last week and I did bleed. I showed him abs we talked about it. He was concerned the next day.

I’m a single parent and on a trip with my friend he took his arms out of his seat belt my friend yelled at him then shortly after he did get carsick from The hills and she told him sternly don’t wipe that on your mom. I didn’t love her yelling at my son but u appreciated her concern for his safety and for me when he was about to soul my clothes. She apologized for yelling at him and said she had read an article about a child dying from exiting their car seat, I told her it was fine, my son was fine, they’re cool and he hasn’t done those things since then.

Dad should have a say

Thank you! I do have a therapist. She says kids sometimes don’t process death this young, or understand it. For the record, I have told my son a year or so ago but it didn’t click cause he kept asking where he was and when he asked recently I told him he was gone. I told him this morning and I don’t know if he processed jt. A video might help

Not 2019 my sister has one and it’s had a lot of issues. I’ve never had issues with my civics