Ok. I'm a US cook, and I grew up in house with no scale. I never saw a scale in the store when I was a kid. They might be there, now, but there are plenty of folks who simply do not have one.

Again, my point isn't that you can't buy one. My point is that if you have started a recipe, you don't necessarily have one on hand.

To be fair, many US cooks do not have scales, and they would not be able to do weights at a moment's notice.

No need for this person to be a jerk about it, though 

YTA.  Your step daughter is very obviously suffering with a mental health issue.  Scolding her obviously isn't working, and can't work.  Get her some professional help, and put a cover on the damn sofa.

Your priorities are seriously screwed up here 

Are there any bakeries or bagel shops near you?  They often throw away whole bags of food at closing.

Any homeless shelters or churches that provide services for the homeless?

She is going to be fine, once she learns to trust her caretakers 

I can't make suggestions, because half the story is missing.

Perhaps it could have more details about the conflicts when the youngest daughter moved in, and any effort anyone made to actually solve those conflicts.

This is an important insight. For previous generations, when people couldn't afford something (like formula), they might try to hide it by insisting that they didn't need it.

My grandmother definitely would do that.

"When he was a kid" is so many decades ago. He's probably forgotten some detail. Like maybe he was comparing powdered milk to fresh milk.

Anyway, obviously, you are correct.

Maybe, if you want, try this:

"dad, I showed you the formula cannister and we compared it to the milk container. I know you can see the difference. What is your goal in having this argument with me? What outcome are you hoping for?"

Those sentiments usually suggest that the person giving them is trying to solve your problem.

So, you maybe tell your parents that you're concerned about nut allergies, so they should wash their hands before holding the baby.

And then they try to "solve" the nut allergy concern by insisting it is not real, or that you don't need to worry, or that you were bathed in peanut oil, and you're "just fine".

You can respond to the underlying emotion -- that they care about you, and wish that they could somehow be all powerful, and keep your baby safe just by declaring that "it's fine".

There's probably not much point in arguing with them. Keep an eye on them to make sure that they are not actually endangering the baby. They can have dumb ideas as long as they don't do dumb things.

Edited to add: I'm GenX, and we're not fine.

What does your wife think? You haven't bothered to mention her opinions or preferences even once.

YTA, but not because you won't let your adult step kids move in. YTA, because you are making all these decisions unilaterally without your wife's input. You don't seem to think that she matters. Or, at least, that's how you tell it.

So frustrating!

I agree with you that I would have expected the belt to go at the natural waist, and I would be unhappy to have it under the bust.

That's a damn good question, but it is also beyond the scope of this post.

The states, of course. They have such a wonderful history of making sure that all students receive access to the same quality of education and materials. /s

One of the *easiest* ways to make money in college is to go to the office that provides services to disabled students. They often need someone to take notes in class for those students.

If it is a class you are already taking, then you will get paid for taking notes in your own classes.

It's not easy money. It's a business, and it requires a great deal of marketing to get enough attention to make any meaningful money.

From the photos in the Nyssa Redux page, it looks like there should be no gathering at the waist. It should only have ease to be bigger than your actual measurements.

But, it looks like the model has belted it immediately below her breasts, and *not* at her natural waist. The way the dress looks on her is very different than what I would have expected from the flat drawing. In the flat drawing, it looks like it is belted at the waist.

If you want the dress to look like the flat drawing, then I would try taking it in at the waist. If you want it to look like the model, then I would try belting it immediately under the bust.

  1. Anyone who has never lived alone, and kept their home livably clean and tidy.

  2. Anyone who cannot afford to go out to eat occasionally

  3. Anyone who yells at me

  4. Anyone who has zero friends

Not all kids are psychopaths, though. Many children at this age would have immense love and empathy for a beloved pet.

If they had over pet the dog in their enthusiasm, that would be something I could understand. But they treated the dog as if it were not a living creature. That dog certainly yelped and expressed distress and pain while they were torturing it, and they *continued*.

That's not actually normal for children.

What will they do next to the dog? What will they do next to a smaller, more vulnerable child?

  1. It is not normal for a 6 and 8 year old to have so little empathy that they would leave an animal tied up. Let alone cutting the animal!

  2. Your brother and his wife should have noticed the absence of the dog, and gone looking

  3. Your brother and his wife should have been BEGGING your forgiveness for allowing this to happen on their watch. Excusing this kind of violence towards a living being as "kids will be kids" is enabling psychopathy.

This is simply unacceptable. They needed to leave immediately. Literally no other answer would be correct. You could never trust the children OR THE ADULTS again.


I hope your dog recovers soon.

This. OP -- please get your child checked out by a medical person. You don't know how long she was under.

I prefer candidates whose brains weren't eaten by worms 

Every flush fills the bathroom with bacteria if the LID is up.  Both of you should be putting the lid down after you use the toilet, and before you flush.

Problem solved