Great, now he can pay E. Jean Carroll all the money she won and her upcoming suit against him, again.

How is a 90 yr old man still working and making 300k (with the wife’s income). What information is missing here?

Tell her and your parents to grow up. This is an adult party.

I am going to a baby shower in a month where the people planning it need an exact head count because they are paying the venue per person. The staff need to know how much food to prepare, settings and how many servers/clean up people will be needed.

So no, SIL and MIL should not be inviting themselves. Your wife needs to grow a spine and stop this asap.


People are allowed to change their minds but need to accept that their choice may mean the end of the relationship. Better to end it now.


Why are you even going? A week’s vacation can’t be more valuable than what your wife and kids are going to be exposed to.

There is no way a certified HVAC tech in the USA isn’t making more than enough money to afford a house and dog training. If he isn’t bringing the money home you need to check out his spending.

I’ve had a husky, they do not make great pets for people who work outside of the home or who aren’t active outdoors. You are 100% right they are highly intelligent and easily bored. They are lovely dogs, just shouldn’t be placed with just anyone but someone who knows the breed.

What he said about not helping clean because you would just tell him he did it wrong and redo it is called weaponized incompetence. Look it up because that is your future if you don’t stop it now. Try a posted job list for each other. But prepare for things to go south.


He’s not a friend. I also suspect he was a groomer but you leaving the country probably saved you from that. Do not reconnect.

And I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.

But it had to come from somewhere. Rational people should not have fallen for this sort of thing or supported someone who did the things he did. I am old enough to remember when Dan Quayle was dropped as a presidential candidate simply because he couldn’t spell a word correctly. And Harte lost his run due to adultery. Now these Trump supporters, most of who voted against Harte and Quayle, aren’t phased in the least.

So he can make your daughter see his mom. That’s horrible.

Please make sure she knows who to contact if the grandmother pulls this when you aren’t around. I bet you already talked to her about how this wasn’t her fault and that no one should treat her that way. Just keep doing that until she feels she can do it herself.

That happened to me. Almost three years thanks to him dragging everything out and me now being in debt thanks to lawyer fees. And he got away with paying child support because it wasn’t ordered before the divorce and at the time of divorce the kids were over 18.

If you live in America then you should be very worried that several states want to do away with no-fault divorces. Essentially making one partner have to prove why the marriage won’t work instead of being able to leave.

That place is too small for that amount of people. I agree with the other commenters that you need to call CPS. What your mom and stepfather are doing is wrong. You are not a parent and you don’t really live with them. Throwing things at you IS a crime, it’s assault. Once they start getting away with it things will only escalate.

Do they even pay your grandparents for your food, supplies? Are they paying for the things you need for school?

Parentification is a real thing and so wrong to do to a child. You need to start thinking of yourself first, then your siblings.

Your mom and step dad are making out not paying for a babysitter or daycare all summer. They should be paying you something, not taking advantage of you.


NTA. If your dad wanted them to inherit they would be in the will.

Your friends and family saying you should share can start a donation site to give to your steps if they’re so for it.

Here’s a question. If the Steps’ mom died would you inherent anything of value from her? Would they give you part of their inheritance?

I have the same Uncle (my dad’s oldest brother). We used to have Sunday family dinners but the political bullcrap, anti-vaxx and some racism disguised as “just what we said in the old days” crap made it so uncomfortable for my sister and her kids, my kids and me that we just stopped.

That uncle than decided his new hobby was religion, got a gf who was very religious and anti-choice, so much so that she lied about knowing clinics that would perform abortions in the last trimester “all the time “ and tried getting us all to go to church. We don’t see him much anymore either.

My sister and her kids are pretty much LC with my parents as well. The older people just can’t admit they are wrong.

Same with my mom. She was very left leaning all my life, women’s rights, caring about people, etc. Then around age 60 it was like a switch flipped and suddenly it was the Dems were all money grubbers and pedos, Trump would save us and we would put other countries in their place and we the middle class would be good again. She even got a Trump flag and a yard sign that said something stupid about Biden. My dad was always Republican but quiet about it. Trump comes along and he started wearing “Hilary for Jail 2020” shirts and Fox was on the tv 24 hrs a day.

I honestly believe there is something affecting the brains of the boomer age (not all but those are a tiny minority), almost like a form of Alzheimer’s. Maybe it was a chemical in the food they ate or lead in the water and such but it’s terrifying.

Oh no, this guy is your husband only on paper. He obviously doesn’t give a crap if you live or die. Lawyer up, start the divorce process and when the assets are split move closer to one of your kids because obviously they’re the only ones you can trust.

Is custody 50/50 or not determined? Can you legally prevent the father from having his daughter interact with Beth? Because she needs to be out of that child’s life asap. She is detrimental to your girl’s mental health.

And wth is her dad thinking agreeing with his mom when he wasn’t even there? Does he not respect your word? The whole family feels wrong and you shouldn’t have Beth anywhere near your kids.


Please tell me where you live doesn’t have common law marriage. I want you to get away from him without his being awarded anything from you.

NTA. Don’t even talk to him except through a lawyer.

Marriage counseling is already out when someone cheats. The damage is done.

But you could probably benefit from personal counseling to deal with the betrayal. NTA

Gees, if ever there was a family to go NC on for your own mental health this is it. You need to be out of this toxic environment for your own sanity.


I was ready to blame you or suggest she had extreme PPMS (?) and maybe just needed medical help but this is complete narcissistic behavior that should never be tolerated. I am surprised she was able to hide it from you for this long. You dodged a bullet with those two. NTA

Everyone involved except your daughter are TA’s.

You and your husband for discussing personal medical issues in front of family that you already know are conservative and would be hurt. Did you do that on purpose to upset them? Are you trying to force your beliefs on them?

Your SIL for having the outright audacity to think she has the right to traumatize a young child because she wants to hurt you because of HER beliefs.

Your in-laws for wanting you to apologize to your SIL. Though quite frankly I believe you, your husband and your SIL should apologize to them for bringing your idiocy into their home and upsetting them. Believe me, it stings me a little agreeing with any conservative yet here we are. They didn’t ask to be involved in your medical issues, you paraded it right in front of them.

As to how to explain abortion to a child I have no idea since you can’t travel back in time and make a better decision that didn’t drag her into your circus in the first place.

YTA. All of you.

Aren’t you family too? Won’t your fiancée also be family? How is moving your wedding for one person fair?

Babies don’t even usually come on their due date. She could go two days early or 10 days late. Who knows.

Your sister is being selfish and your parents are enabling her. Enjoy your wedding.