A support community for those affected by C-PTSD

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How on earth are all of you in relationships???Question

I'll see a vaguely relatable title, click it, and BAM "My partner triggered me"

I can't imagine anything more triggering than having to navigate the interpersonal dynamics of a romantic relationship. Like....I have CPTSD, I struggle with being trustworthy and reliable with myself so the idea of having to also maintain and water a wholeass OTHER PERSON feels so much like simply manipulating another person in to distracting me from my trauma. Part of my motivation in treatment is that I'd love to be in a relationship, but only once I can self-regulate and compartmentalize.

I am on the DEFENSE y'all! There are plenty of people who I crush on and like being affectionate with but tethering my whole LIFE to someone else definitely feels like I'm vulnerable to A) being an abusive person once my fight reflex kicks in and B) recreating the environments of my past abuse to give me the illusion of redemption.

Do you feel like you're in an emotionally equal relationship, or do you rely on your partner to do a lot of the heavy lifting? How do you quiet the thoughts of "Is this healthy for me while I'm still struggling with CPTSD"?

how TF do people with CPTSD find relationshipsCPTSD Vent / Rant

NB: this is a vent, no dating advice please.

I just had my millionth experience of a one sided crush on someone who barely noticed me. I'm 29. I feel like the most forgettable person on the planet. Even in friendships, I'm constantly the one reaching out to make sure they stay alive. I cannot imagine being somehow interesting enough to actually make someone want a relationship with me.

People keep telling me the CPTSD is probably getting in the way. So I should go to therapy. Which I have been trying to, although my past 6 therapists have all been disasters, hopefully the 7th is better.

Of course, having to go to therapy for years on end, just to somehow get to a point that most people figure out with zero help, makes me feel even more broken and alien. So much for unconditional love, right? I have to work for years to fix my broken brain before I deserve love.

And YET somehow I see stories everywhere of people with CPTSD who found relationships. Even super healthy, loving, healing relationships. Even relationships they found before ever even thinking about therapy. So maybe it's not the CPTSD at all. I'm just fucked up. Or maybe I'm hideous. How am I supposed to believe I'm deserving or worthy of love? I'm obviously not. I didn't even experience anything that bad and yet I somehow ended up incapable of attracting love and probably incapable of loving.

I don't even know what to do anymore, intimacy is literally the only thing I want and I have zero signs or signals about how to finally fucking get there.

Why traumatized / abused people don't see red flags in relationships?

I notice that I repeat the negative pattern. Even if I am aware of what are the red flags in people, I read about this a lot, usually for some reason I don't notice them, or it takes me a long time to detect red flags even if I experienced those red flags in my life before. Does anyone have the same problem?

Why abused / traumatized people miss the red flags?

did all of you ended up in abusive relationships in your adulthood?

e: wow thank you all guys <3

you made me feel less alone.

Does anyone else just straight up avoid romantic relationships bc of your trauma?Question

I used to struggle a lot with hyper sexuality a few years ago due to my trauma, which inexplicably made relationships harder for me and another source of trauma for me. I used to be addicted to the feeling of being “wanted” even if it wasn’t in a romantic sense, if you get what I mean. I used to crave a lot of sexual attention.

But now I fear sex and relationships all together. I just can’t do it anymore. One becaus I’m afraid but two is because I am trying to make a conscious effort of the type of relationships I engage in. I don’t think I could allow myself to be intimate ever again because people have taken advantage of that in the past a lot. Really what I want out of a relationship is to have a best friend, someone who I can spend time with, confide in, do things I enjoy, but todays “dating” culture is all about sex and I just can’t risk being in that mind space again.

For those of you who fell victim to an abusive relationship: did you get that uneasy feeling at the beginning of the relationship?

Was it there for you? There was once an expert on abusive relationships whose name I can’t remember on Oprah who said that most women who end up in an abusive relationship report a feeling of unease which they felt early on in the relationship but suppressed. I personally met my abuser at a bar in a group setting, we started to chat, got along and he asked for my contact. I happily gave it to him and heard from him the very next day. By this point, nothing bad had happened and I was excited for our next meeting. That afternoon I went on a walk and suddenly I felt this immense unease in my stomach which somehow felt connected to this man. I brushed it off as paranoia/hangover from the night before. A couple of weeks after that, we met for the second time, this time one on one, and it went really well, we said our goodbyes in a good mood and he texted me soon after. No later than the next day I felt literally nauseous and super uneasy about him but only for about 10 minutes and then it went away. I was considering calling our next meeting off but then the feeling went away and once again I dismissed it. Now I know this was my intuition. In my defense, I was only 22 and quite lonely at this time and he was the older, charismatic guy I was hoping for. But I will never dismiss my intuition like that again. Has anybody on here had a similar experience?

Are we more susceptible to abusive relationships?

I just had a brief relationship with what I now believe was a narcissist and I feel like I keep picking emotionally immature people/they pick me. Is this pretty common in the CPTSD community?

Does anyone struggle with not having “normal” life experiences? ie college, healthy relationships, strong friendships etc

The hardest one for me is college. It always seemed like “the best four years of your life” and I missed out on all of it because my trauma was so bad and untreated.

It’s usually around this time of year when people are going back to school when I think about what could have been. I’m trying to let go of that.

Edit: I didn’t think this would get so much attention. There’s a lot of people who relate and to each of you, I’m so sorry 💔

I won’t get around to responding to everyone’s comments but I appreciate all of them. I guess we’re not alone, ya know? To the people with advise/suggestions, thank you! Sharing helps me heal but learning from others is even better. If I don’t respond, know that I still appreciate you sharing and trying to help.

Do Relationships/Friendships Ever Feel "Fake" To You?Question

Sometimes I can't help but be in disbelief about being "liked" as a person, I feel as if I were meant to be disliked or meant to be a villain. Relationships and friendships are extremely hard to maintain due to the distrust I have for others, and my inability to accept things at face value.

Thank you all for letting me vent a little, this is my first reddit post.

by ang3lic0w💌CPTSD, GAD, ASD💌
Does anyone else crave abusive/toxic relationships?Trigger Warning: Emotional Abuse

I've socially isolated myself for a really long time because of my childhood traumas that I was trying to heal from, which has prevented me from having any romantic relationships until this point. (I'm 21)

When I think about the type of relationship I would like to have, two scenarios interest me the most. The first involves being with someone who is extremely affectionate, caring, and protective. And the second scenario is quite the opposite, it's with someone who is abusive, toxic, and manipulative — or a mix of both (good and bad) traits would be perfect. The funny thing is that I'm not abusive, toxic or anything like that at all; instead I am quite submissive, emotional, and empathetic. But I still find myself craving for someone who would both love and hurt me in certain ways. I have thought about this for years and I feel like it might be because subconsciously, I believe such a person could shield me from greater 'dangers' but still I'm not sure. It's all very confusing...

Does anyone else crave abusive/toxic relationships? And does anyone understand or know why we might feel this way?

Missed out on relationships

Does anyone else feel as if they missed out on how to form interpersonal relationships ? Now at 30, i would love the husband the kids and a home but the fear of being abandoned, betrayed has me held back from wanting or knowing how to meet someone. Feeling as if those teen years were robbed from me. There is no going back or changing but navigating is seemingly more difficult.

Anyone else avoid life/people/relationships/empathy in general?CPTSD Vent / Rant

I think I'm coming to terms that I have an avoidant personality. Like my own neglectful parents, ironically enough. I avoid people like the plague, along with with relationships or any social family activities.

I struggle to trust. I struggle to bond with anyone. I don't feel SAFE with anyone, at all.

I've become this person that just doesn't 'feel right'. It's not that I hate my reclusiveness, as I quite like being by myself. But it doesn't feel normal or healthy, especially when chimp brain wants to find a mate/herd/other monkeys to bond with.

The whole point about life is thriving and connection, survival and reproducing the next generation etc. And I feel like I'm not doing any of that. I have no purpose, no desire for anything in life and it's been like this for years.

I keep getting told to try and understand my parents abuse, so that it'd make more sense as to why I was abused. But tbh, I'm getting to the point where I don't even care about that either. I avoid feeling empathy, as people only use it to manipulate me.

I dunno. Sometimes I wish I could be a rabbit and live in a hole in the ground somewhere. I'm really not made for this world. Half the time I don't even feel like a human being.

Can anyone relate?

Ruining relationships CPTSD Vent / Rant

Just unsure where else to bring this.

Cognitive distortions, constant dissociation and pretending everything is okay.

I can’t tell sometimes if what feels unsafe in my relationships is tangible or if it’s just me triggered, as a result I tend towards withdrawing.

For the past month or so I’ve been all over the place emotionally but there’s a constant low lying depression. I can feel myself letting people down. It eats at me but often I feel like it’s my only option. I’m drained.

My partner told me I make them feel defeated. We had a nice dinner with his dad, helped him set up a new phone and we went to the garden center after. Everything was fine until it wasn’t. We shopped, came home and I guess that’s when I felt the undertow of a panic attack.

I isolated myself but it was too late my partner tried to figure out what was wrong and I just got enflamed. More confused and ashamed and triggered.

I know I’m being vague.

the damage I’m doing to my relationship in those moments feels permanent and I hate myself.

I’m just curious if anyone else feels isolated in their struggles. (Everyone?) despite wanting nothing more than my partners comfort I push them away.

As you're healing, have you noticed that most of your relationships, even the ones you thought were good, were actually not healthy?

I've noticed that It was not only toxic people. I used to have ( and still have some) "clingy friends" ( co dependent ones) that relied on me too much for emotional support and I was their only friend. People often used me as a therapist.

Allergic to relationships

So, I've been on my healing journey for almost a decade. I've come a really long way! I stopped trauma-specific therapy a few years back because I felt I had reached the limit of what I could do with it. I took a couple years off and have been in attachment-based therapy for the past 1-2 years. I sought that out because, while I thought I had a handle on living with trauma day to day, doing so in relationships feels like the advanced class and I felt ready for the challenge.

Second bit of backstory is that when I started trauma therapy all those years ago, I was my most serious (and not healthy) relationship at the time. My body crashed physically. I started taking a bunch of tests and trying supplements because I thought maybe I had an autoimmune disorder or something. Doctors were no help and I had generally been a healthy-ish person before that. After that relationship ended and trauma therapy got less intense, I went into remission. Well, cut to now...years of feeling healthy and I started trying to date again. Got into a relationship that was healthy but still being vulnerable is not the most comfortable and hard work for me and I'm getting sick all the time with weird infections, extreme fatigue. We just broke up a couple weeks ago and it's the first stretch of time where I haven't gotten sick again.

I know this might sound woo woo to some. Trust me, these are not just psychosomatic symptoms. Like actual infections on my skin and very obvious things wrong with me. I'm starting to think I'm allergic to relationships and my nervous system just can't handle them at all. Has anyone else had similar experiences?

Husband can’t stop triggering me, I don’t know if I’m cut out for relationships.CPTSD Vent / Rant

I love my husband with everything I have. But at the same time, I don’t know if I’m healthy enough to maintain our relationship.

He cusses all the time, and I generally don’t cuss as much. I’m not like some puritan, but I just don’t cuss very much.

When he cusses in any sort of negative way, it’s incredibly triggering. I feel so small, like I’m a little kid again with all those horrible things being said and done. He knows all this, but he still doesn’t stop cussing.

I try to just let it go, but sometimes it’s just too much. Especially when it’s directly at me, my brain just shuts down. Today, we were doing something pretty frustrating, and he started throwing around the cussing again. I started getting triggered, but tried not to say anything. Eventually, I start shutting down because it’s too much, and he notices that I’m acting different. He can never tell when I’m scared, he always thinks I’m mad for some reason. So he starts getting real snippy with me, which makes me shut down even further. Eventually he cussed directly at me, basically I handed something to him from too far away. It hurt his back to reach that far, so he snapped at me and said “that shit hurts!”

That was pretty much my breaking point, brain function stopped entirely and all I could do was stand there mindlessly. But then he started hammering me with questions, “why are you doing this? Why are you acting this way?” And all I can do is half heartedly say that I was just trying to hand him the object. I was standing too far away because I was scared of him, but of course if I’d said that, everything would get much worse. So I just stand there. We move on and finish our task, and he goes to the bathroom and I take the opportunity to cry and get all the terror and hurt out of my system.

I know that he just doesn’t understand, he can’t read my emotions so he doesn’t understand that I’m afraid. It’s hard to change habits, especially stuff that comforts you, so I get that cussing when he’s mad isn’t some switch he can flip. It just hurts so much, I’m so sick of having to cope with fear constantly. He deserves someone stronger, who can handle something as simple as some bad words. My chest aches, I hate that feeling of seeing him as all those monsters from my past. He’s not those people, but my broken mind warps him into them when he scares me. I just wish I could scrub my brain clean and be normal. I’ll never get to be the strong, well adjusted person I could have been, and I hate how much it haunts me every single day. I hate being triggered by the person I love, because I know that it’s the last thing he wants to do. I just want to run away and hide, and never be seen by another person ever again.

Dissociating in relationships?

Hey guys. I recently had a cptsd diagnosis and just grappling with all the parts of me that are trauma responses. Does anyone else deal with dissociating in romantic relationships and sometimes newer friendships? I’m dealing with the fact that I dissociate a lot and go on “auto pilot” sometimes in social situations and respond in a way that isn’t myself. Does anyone else deal with this? Does anything help you be more in your body?

Anyone feel completely repulsed by romantic relationships?

The further into this diagnosis I get, trying all kinds of different therapies and new routines, medications etc I am just feeling so overwhelmed with the thought of ever being intimate with anyone and I just wish i could make that feeling go away.

I never used to be like this when I was repressing everything but I was always very uncomfortable in relationships and have always felt I’m not enough.

As a woman I feel at times I’m purposely avoiding all contact and communication and I suppose my attitude to things is deemed now as ‘masculine’ in society because I am very independent but it doesn’t all feel like my choice because deep down I just want to feel safe and loved in a relationship. To me that would be truly moving on but I feel like I’m not capable or I’m sabotaging myself by being this way because I can’t move on?

Share your story of losing dignity in relationships to help me feel less ashamed!

Hello! As the title says, ive been feeling a lot of shame about the fact that im basically chasing people constantly. I have such bad boundaries and sense of what is fair and unfair. I feel like if i was in a movie i would be that character that you get why theyre like this but you still think they are making all the wrong decisions and pity them. Im definetely pitiful. And i cant even help it because thats how bad i want to be loved by someone🤧 So please share stories so i can feel less alone in this world!

Crazy relationships

Why do you think our partner gets angry when they fail to communicate and lack of attention when we can get it somewhere else?

Relationships… Whew.CPTSD Vent / Rant

I tried opening my heart for the first time ever. I was constantly triggered. I thought I had the skills to self-soothe but it wasn’t enough for him. It wasn’t fast enough for him. I fought so hard for the past three months to try and receive love. So so hard. I’m so tired. I’m so sad. Never again.

Edit: this post has restored my faith in people and the internet. I’m struggling. I feel broken and unlovable. This was a big step for me- prior to this I’ve never showed up honestly in relationships. I’ve never tried as hard as I did to soothe myself, stop running from myself, confront my triggers head on, and hold onto my identity. I’m proud of myself for that. I’m so grateful for this community. You’re amazing people. Thank you.

romantic relationshipsCPTSD Vent / Rant

i feel like i’m only cut out for friendships, not really relationships. anytime i start talking to someone and notice that it’s getting serious i sort of detach, or just start loosing feelings. just the thought of any kind of intimacy and connection terrifies me and grosses me out/makes me anxious. even if i really liked them, the next day i don’t really like them anymore. i feel extremely guilty and self critical over this because it’s feels like im doing the other person wrong, like im toxic. all of this makes me extremely anxious, but i feel like i have no control over it.

people i’ve had a fling with in the past have told me im closed up or ‘mysterious’ and it’s kind of hurts when they say that because i know they want to get to know me on a deeper level, but i just can’t. i feel really guilty because i know they want more and i feel like i have to but it’s too hard. too scary to do. then it just feels like im leading them on, when i really did have feelings for them i just don’t know how they vanished so quickly, how i managed to detach myself from my feelings. like i went into survival mode without realizing and i can’t get out of it unless i cut them off. all of this makes it hard to trust myself and in general i struggle to trust the other person. i’m scared that opening up will somehow push the other person away, they’ll turn they’re back on me, or they’ll make me feel ashamed for talking about my feelings and what not. really it’s something very far from my comfort zone and just thinking about challenging it makes me want to shut down completely.

sorry if this might be all over the place or doesn’t make sense, i’m new to reddit and dont really know how to express my feelings

Hopeless about Relationships and Sex

Having CPTSD and a long history of CSA as a kid has really made me feel hopeless. I have never been in a relationship, never been on a date, never had sex with anyone (willingly). My only sexual experiences have been CSA as a kid and one assault as an adult. I feel like I am so far beyond the possibility of ever having a normal, loving relationship or even a positive sexual experience with someone of my choosing. I feel like the daily activities of living are hard for me most of the time and I spend a lot of time wondering how anyone ever manages to have relationships, sex, friendships, etc. I can manage to go to work and act normal enough around most people when I am forced into social situations but I could never maintain that kind of "normal" around someone for long enough. I have tried so many things and I just feel really hopeless.

I read a lot on here about how people with CPTSD struggle with their romantic partners, etc... and I just feel kind of sad that I can't even get that far. I genuinely feel like I will be lonely and alone forever and it is just one of the things about CPTSD and my trauma in particular that makes me so sad and so angry all at once.

How does CPTSD impact your relationships?

I always knew my husband had trauma - many therapists have said so. He mostly avoided it and has been very successful in many aspects of life. However, once we got married, moved to a new city, and got serious about having kids he started to act strange. He went back to therapy and after a few sessions had what I can only describe as a sort of "freak out". His personality changed dramatically. His memory/opinion/description of things we've been through changed dramatically. Our therapists say he's started projecting his trauma onto me and has been using me as a scapegoat to work through what his parents/brother put him through. Suddenly, I'm the enemy. Suddenly he says he doesnt feel safe with me. I don't know what happened. He'll go through periods where he seems calm and is loving/sweet/vulnerable again but its almost like that itself becomes triggering and he goes back to being distant/mean/defensive.

Our therapists say he's been triggered and is traumatized. He doesn't seem ready to admit/address that. Is this normal? Is this temporary? What can I do?

Any help would be welcomed, thank you.