So, I've been on my healing journey for almost a decade. I've come a really long way! I stopped trauma-specific therapy a few years back because I felt I had reached the limit of what I could do with it. I took a couple years off and have been in attachment-based therapy for the past 1-2 years. I sought that out because, while I thought I had a handle on living with trauma day to day, doing so in relationships feels like the advanced class and I felt ready for the challenge.

Second bit of backstory is that when I started trauma therapy all those years ago, I was my most serious (and not healthy) relationship at the time. My body crashed physically. I started taking a bunch of tests and trying supplements because I thought maybe I had an autoimmune disorder or something. Doctors were no help and I had generally been a healthy-ish person before that. After that relationship ended and trauma therapy got less intense, I went into remission. Well, cut to now...years of feeling healthy and I started trying to date again. Got into a relationship that was healthy but still being vulnerable is not the most comfortable and hard work for me and I'm getting sick all the time with weird infections, extreme fatigue. We just broke up a couple weeks ago and it's the first stretch of time where I haven't gotten sick again.

I know this might sound woo woo to some. Trust me, these are not just psychosomatic symptoms. Like actual infections on my skin and very obvious things wrong with me. I'm starting to think I'm allergic to relationships and my nervous system just can't handle them at all. Has anyone else had similar experiences?