Yikes, the idea of meeting a noise complaint with a literal “We’ll shoot you if you don’t be quiet” is…..well, it’s telling

Don’t they have like, universal healthcare and free education in the Netherlands? Seems like servers should be provided those things before we expect them to take a massive pay cut

you’re talking about places with universal healthcare, guaranteed time off, and generally better worker’s rights. It works in the rest of the world because the rest of the world doesn’t demean service industry workers by providing them the very barest minimum of wages with no benefits or incentive

governments should adjust the definition of “living wage” first. Absolutely no one in any part of the country can survive on minimum wage. At least in the retail sector, you can make minimum at a company and maybe get some benefits like PTO. But the service industry is completely void of anything like that. Service industry workers at small restaurants would never ever be able to survive on minimum wage with no insurance, time off, or incentive. Universal healthcare NOW

Totally agree, that’s why the messaging of “servers shouldn’t be tipped” is misguided, these bills should be addressing the quality of life that servers have access to in the first place.

Restaurant workers in other countries aren’t among the lowest paid professions and they get healthcare provided to them by their government. They also get minimum PTO benefits. You think I get those things as a server in the US? No, I have to pay out-of-pocket for insurance or any time off at all, which is why I require more money than minimum wage

I make way more than minimum wage after my tips, how do you suggest I respond to getting a serious pay cut?

Wait don’t all customers at every establishment “function as payroll”? You’re paying the salary of the employees by buying the goods and services they’re offering. When you go buy Nikes at 1000% markup, the money you’re spending is still going to employee payrolls.

At a restaurant, the profit margins are razor thin, it isn’t like you’re buying a burger for 10x what it’s worth, like you ARE doing with clothes and electronics etc, so I’m not sure why you’re so rubbed the wrong way by the idea that the money you spend in a restaurant turns in to payroll, or why you’re more willing to poo-poo the “markup” on a human being personally providing you a service when faceless corporations expect you to keep paying more for less

This is actually the reason these stores are starting to lock up their merchandise. Retail theft has not risen all that much but stores looking to increase profit definitely benefit from you going online instead of wandering their box stores

I have two jobs and I’m STRUGGLING

If this is the norm and should generally be expected in any given tech company, why on earth would anyone be encouraged go in to the field? Seems like serious self-sabotage to go in to an industry that purges workers every few years as “part of the process”?

check your tone

You’re literally a random nobody on the internet. I have no obligation to yield to your ego lmao

But yeah, no, “dystopian” is a specific piece of philosophical jargon, you can’t just divorce the suffering from a dystopia and call it “an adjustment”

If people are not actively suffering within the society, it’s not a dystopia. To “adjust” to the injustice would imply it does not cause abject suffering.

You’re just describing a run-of-the-mill ‘topia

“dystopian from a contemporary POV”? I know you’re not going that deep with it, but this is an insanely conservative take on the nature of dystopias. “Yes, people abjectly suffer and are exploited to the point of physical and spiritual death, but eventually society will forget about the better ‘before times’ and everything will just be considered normal :)” Like…….dystopias are objectively dystopian because they erase the value of human life. There is no version of society that embraces the effacement of their own worth bruh.

Would you say misogyny is only negative from a “contemporary perspective” because it was more enforced throughout history? Or would you call it an objectively negative thing that people were always wrong for committing?

I hope in 80 years when you’re enlisted to have your organs harvested for not generating enough capital, you can comfort yourself by saying “Huh, once upon a time this might have been considered dystopian. Oh well, now it’s just regular. Guess it’s fine!” lmao

I understand the social aspect, but when I say community I mean more like “Do you know which of your neighbors has disabilities so when the power goes out, you go and help” kind of community

Not really sure if it’s a “scandal” but TS is involved in a conspiracy theory about the Biden administration rigging the superbowl so that the chiefs will win and she can promote his re-election

Practically speaking, the landlord is going to have a hard time finding tenants if they’re willing to break the law for convenience’s sake. If they’re cutting this corner, they’ll cut every other. Never stop giving landlords a hard time about the shit that matters, don’t let them get comfy exploiting you.

Moved here from Louisiana. Other than the working infrastructure and obvious wealth, one thing I noticed about CT is that people are very isolated here despite being packed like sardines in this little state! Not a lot of community going on, lots of suspicion between towns (the way y’all side eye bridgeport when the real criminals live in Greenwich 😂), people so paranoid of each other. Yes, if you have a specific hobby or interest there are more events you can attend than you can count, but not a lot of block party/cook out/community-center events that encourage the intermingling of neighbors. There might be pockets of community here and there but I don’t generally see it prioritized

I’d go back to 2/20/23 to tell my sister “Don’t do that coke tomorrow, it’ll have fentanyl in it”

So many people on this thread saying “Huh, weird, I’ve never personally been racist to anyone in CT so it’s probably not really a problem”

I think any group of people that claim their personal experience represents the populations’ at large has a pretty good chance of perpetuating racist behavior. Myopia doesn’t typically result in altruism, anyway.

Hilarious how? It was a huge moment for the zeitgeist and one of the first blockbusters to take a woman’s POV so seriously. I think it makes perfect sense that it’s the most discussed film of 2023, it’s certainly the most succsssful

What was the point of the comment? “I happen to already know police are corrupt. Please, do not offer me information I already know. If it is not valuable info to me, it is not is simply not valuable for anyone else. I know this, for I am a superior redditor” lmao

There’s a scene where Che buzzes up to Carrie’s apartment and says “Hey, it’s Che Diaz”. It felt bizarrely formal. When was the last time you went to your friend’s house and announced yourself by your FULL name? The line gave off big “AI wrote this” vibes and demonstrated pretty succinctly what bothered people about Che. They were uncomfortable and awkward

Dude if you walk in to Subway and they’re selling thai food you’ve never seen before, like just pause for a second before ordering it? Like damn, at what point is someone responsible for having common sense? OP ordered rando bbq, then ate it, then asked themselves if it was legit? That is a person in need of adult supervision omg