I always knew my husband had trauma - many therapists have said so. He mostly avoided it and has been very successful in many aspects of life. However, once we got married, moved to a new city, and got serious about having kids he started to act strange. He went back to therapy and after a few sessions had what I can only describe as a sort of "freak out". His personality changed dramatically. His memory/opinion/description of things we've been through changed dramatically. Our therapists say he's started projecting his trauma onto me and has been using me as a scapegoat to work through what his parents/brother put him through. Suddenly, I'm the enemy. Suddenly he says he doesnt feel safe with me. I don't know what happened. He'll go through periods where he seems calm and is loving/sweet/vulnerable again but its almost like that itself becomes triggering and he goes back to being distant/mean/defensive.

Our therapists say he's been triggered and is traumatized. He doesn't seem ready to admit/address that. Is this normal? Is this temporary? What can I do?

Any help would be welcomed, thank you.