A support community for those affected by C-PTSD

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I feel that CPTSD related social anxiety differs massively from social anxiety in untraumatised individuals.

For example, when most people think of social anxiety, they are referring to people becoming really anxious at the thought of going to a social gathering, or throwing up at the idea of public speaking. Yet I experience none of these things, for me social anxiety is avoiding going to a crowded place not because I’m shy but because I just don’t have the energy reserves to be on high alert/hyperviglance when I am in a crowded or public space. When I am in a social situation I am anxious, but this anxiety stems from me anticipating a threat from those around me and not from the social situation itself. I am curious as to whether this is how anybody else experiences social anxiety? Maybe I shouldn’t even categorise this as social anxiety because I am a very confident individual but these symptoms only come about in social situations.

Fuck my family for manufacturing my anxiety and then giving me hell for having anxiety.CPTSD Vent / Rant

A conversation with my mom recently brought back a flood of memories.

I've been wanting to dye my hair for a while. I like my natural color but I've been experimenting with my style and would like to experiment with my hair as well. I figure if I don't like it, it will grow out. I could stick to temporary dyes that only last a few washes. I don't even have to bleach, I could just stick with jewel tones. I played around with some TikTok filters and found some colors I like.

I mentioned this to my mom and she didn't outright tell me I couldn't (she can't tell me that, I'm 26 and have lived on my own for a year). However, she started listing off all the terrible things that could go wrong, citing my rebellious younger sibling's hair dying experiments as an example. They bleach their hair like crazy which I guess messed up their follicles? So Mom said that there's no guarantee that regular dye won't do the same thing, and what if it doesn't wash out, and what if the color comes out wrong, and what if my hair suddenly grows back a different color, and-

There have been so many times in my life where I have wanted to do something and my parents have said "well you *could,* but have you considered all the risks?" and list the absolute worst case scenarios. I've started doing it on my own. It's taken a long time to even begin to take risks and Mom just set my progress back so much.

And of course they constantly tease me for not "just doing" things and overthinking everything. My mom constantly shares memes to my page about overthinking. My sibling makes snide comments about me being a cautious driver and being so slow to get my license.

I know they're "just overprotective" but to me it just reads as controlling. Maybe that puts me in the wrong. idk.

"I mean, I get it, I have anxiety too."

No, you don't get it.

You have FRIENDS.

You have family that doesn't treat you like garbage or totally dismiss you.

You're able to go to work without totally losing all functioning.

What people don't get is that there are varying levels of anxiety. And one person's mild stress over work is NOT the same as the constant hell that we live in in our heads every day.

Yet some people act like it's the same damn thing. "Oh, I get it, I have anxiety too, but I can still function. What's wrong with you?"

No. You don't get it.

I just wish I could put other people inside my fucking head for a day. That's the only way anyone will ever truly "get it" and not treat me like I'm a lazy, stupid fuck.

Anxiety is actually (toxic) shame?Symptom: Anxiety

Does anyone else feel like their anxiety (as CPTSD symptom) is actually so called toxic shame? I have never thought of that or realized until i've read "complex PTSD from surviving to thriving".

I didn't have a feeling that it is "shame". I put that feeling a sticker "anxiety". But if i try to see what is actually behind that anxiety, i can without a doubt say it's shame.

And i have never thought of it as a shame because i repressed that feeling as a very young kid so i could function in social invironment.

Was anyone the weird kid because of insane anxiety?Trigger Warning: Emotional Abuse

Basically that was me. I had extreme anxiety to the point where I was disassociating. I would laugh or just stare blankly at something for long periods of time. It was weird and I must say also scary. Now that I try to see it in an outside perspective. I was judged a lot and not helped. I have so many embarrassing memories and I still remember the look of confusion and empathy from teachers, students, wondering wtf was wrong with me

DAE get bad anxiety when they get excited?Question

I'm excited about an event coming up. Sometimes when I'm really excited for something (which is rare) I get terrible physical/mental symptoms of anxiety.

Overthinking, my stomach has been in knots for hours, shaking etc.

I almost wish I wasn't excited. I went for a jog and that didn't help much.

For those that experience chronic anxiety with CPTSD…Symptom: Anxiety

Explain your experience of anxiety in one sentence/phrase.

Edit: Wow, I didn’t expect this many responses! There’s so many comments that I am overwhelmed and anxious 😆 but in a good way! I hate that we all have so much to say on this topic, but it makes me feel all warm and cozy inside that we can relate and support each other. Sending so many virtual hugs right now. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

Anxiety burns all your cognitive energy, it's no wonder you can't think!

Almost a year and a half ago, I finally got my anxiety under control, through a mixture of therapy and medication. Since then, I've learned a few hobbies, I've started cooking every day, I shower and brush my teeth regularly, and I've even watched all my favorite TV series over again - realizing I don't remember ANY of what happened in them.

I'm not bragging. I was 37 years old when this happened. But since then, I've really thought a lot about cognitive energy and space, and just how much of that is just drained and depleted when you're anxious and afraid all the time.

My biggest realization through all of this, is that I wasn't an awful person. I didn't have some innate character flaw keeping me from being able to remember the simplest of self care routines, but rather, anxiety stripped that away from me.

If you're reading this, and you feel like you're just not capable, like you're a fundamentally lost cause, I just want to offer you a tiny sliver of hope. Hope is something I wish I had, back when I was slogging through my healing journey, back when I thought trauma was my entire identity. I just needed help.

Please don't give up. Give yourself a chance to heal, because you deserve it. Give yourself a chance to heal because there is a YOU underneath all that baggage. I didn't meet Me until last year, at 37 years old, and I'm so thankful I survived long enough to find myself.

And even if you don't believe anything I just said, give yourself a chance to spite those who tried to destroy you, by untangling yourself from the web of lies they used to control and manipulate you. They deserve nothing, but you deserve to extricate yourself from their abusive fingers.

You are so much more than what was done to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

by ElishaAlisonU R so much more thatn ur trauma ❤️
What tools do you use to help/cope with cptsd/anxiety?

So far what I've decided to try out is:

  • Weighted blanket. (Not recommended when you're claustrophobic, only if you like having weight on you)
  • CBD oil.
  • Acupressure mat.
  • Eating healthy.
  • Sleeping in.
  • CBT with a psychologist.
  • Hypnotherapy. (1x)
  • MDMA therapy with a therapist. (3x) - helped the most so far.
  • Sleeping with a plushie.
  • Taking care of a cute kitten.
  • Quit drinking.
  • Quit weed.
  • Cut out toxic family members. (My mantra for them "Don't take critizism from someone you wouldn't take advice from".)
  • I don't let anyone who is toxic befriend me. (My mantra for this: Be loyal to yourself first)
  • Started accepting myself.
  • Going to try out to be vegetarian in January 2022
  • Read so many psychology books.
  • Inner Child Therapy + Parts (IFS - internal family systems)
  • Take vitamins and iron
  • Cut out some social media (Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook)
  • Massage
  • Acupuncture

I'm writing this list so others can maybe see anything there that would help them or that resonates. If you've tried something that works well for you, feel free to write it down in the comments. :)

Does Anyone Else Find Having to Get Up Early Extremely Triggering and Anxiety-Provoking?

If I have to wake up early, ie: 7am, I cannot sleep the night before and feel intense anxiety… I start to fall asleep and am automatically jolted awake by my subconscious in lightning flashes of terror. I can go days without sleeping, and my days are filled with dread.

If I have to get up early for weeks on end, for jobs or what have you, I go crazy and can’t do it.

Does anyone else find having to get up early is an intense trigger for their CPTSD?

Magnesium-Have you taken Magnesium to help with anxiety?

Hello, I’m curious about the benefits of taking magnesium. If you take it, could you please share what kind and how much you take and if/how much it has helped you? I read that glycinate is is the best so I am going to start with that. Maybe 425mg.


Who else feels intense shame and anxiety when expressing an opinion or setting a boundary?

As a kid, everything that came out of my mouth was labeled wrong, stupid, ridiculous, whining, or just laughed at. I learned early on that keeping quiet was the only safe option that didn’t result in ridicule or physical punishment.

And as an adult this isn’t serving me well. I fear asking questions and asking for help, but it’s so much worse when expressing an opinion or setting a boundary with someone.

And in the past this has caused so much additional trauma. I was raped and never reported it because speaking out felt worse than the rape itself. I was bullied in school and it actually felt okay because punishment just for being myself felt normal. I was stuck in a job for years where I was taken advantage of and treated badly, but putting my foot down and standing up for myself felt impossible through the feelings of worthlessness. And I’d never challenge friends or partners because I was conditioned to put everyone else’s needs and opinions first.

And even though therapy is helping with this, it’s so hard to battle through this when online culture is so argumentative and full of black-and-white thinking. If I say something online (which I try to limit as much as possible), there’s bound to be a hateful, pushy person to trample on that opinion. Stuff like “I really enjoy X movie” results in “You like that piece of trash? Pathetic.” And that causes panic, self-doubt, and the compulsion to run away and never say anything ever again. I regularly uninstall all social media apps out of shame for saying things that are not shameful at all, just because it feels like the punishment is coming just for existing.

Also, I’ve noticed that when quiet people start testing the waters and having opinions, people don’t take too kindly to that. If you’re quiet for years, then speak up a little, some people suddenly react as if you’ve done something very wrong. IMO this is because keeping my mouth shut and not being disagreeable and not setting boundaries had attracted too many strong personalities who don’t like to be challenged, and other people who were downright abusive who can’t deal with someone else rocking the boat.

So...this turned into a messy, ranting post.

Does anyone else deal with this on a daily basis? Has anyone made progress with this?

Immediate anxiety on waking up

These days, I’m doing a little bit better then I have been, but does anyone else get this? As soon as I open my eyes, it’s like a jolt of anxiety comes. I’ve recently been using an Apple Watch and it’s so interesting to see how high my heart rate goes.

Has anybody worked out a solution for this. It’s a fairly horrible experience. I’m guessing it happens because I had to be alert as soon as I woke up in childhood in order to stay as safe as I could

Social Anxiety

Anyone deal with social anxiety? How do you deal with it? I get it so bad, I never leave my house for weeks. I got to live my life.

Health anxiety and HIV anxiety after Trauma and gang rapeTrigger Warning: Sexual Assault

So I don’t really look on it very much and honestly I don’t even really like writing about it, not that it bothers me very much but I think I try to dissociate from it so when I try to write this it’s just kinda fuzzy. Basically I was homeless for a bit my mother is schizophrenic and narcissistic and she kicked me out because she thought I poisoned her food blah blah blah it doesn’t matter I went through a bunch of trauma and don’t have any family this has given me a lot of anxiety especially health anxiety and a lot of substance abuse problems. One time while I was doing DXM and Ketamine I went on Grindr at 3am and not really thinking about what I was doing I just remember finding a random profile and in like 2 words said hookup and thought I’d atleast have a place for the night. I got in the car and it was 2 guys they locked the door and we talked a little bit and I remember being pretty nervous. They parked in a park and shot up meth in front of me and offered me some but I declined because I was already on DXM and Ket. I’ve always been around meth use but seeing IV use made me very on edge. I wont for go into as much detail cause it’s not necessary but they violently raped me. I convinced them to use a condom and I was very nice to them the whole time, im generally just a nice person and I was also experiencing very very intense dissociation from the stress and form the 2 different dissos I was on. I asked to go home maybe 20mins later after we got a snack and I think they considered killing me because they thought I was underage but since I was nice I think they let me go because they knew I wouldn’t tell anyone. But maybe that’s just my anxiety. Idk I just remember them saying something or acting in a certain way that made me think they were going to kill me and not let me out the car. At first I wasn’t 100% sure that they had raped me I was very high and so were they but I realize now that what they did was rape and was very violent and openly against my will. After the comedown I remember hearing foot steps and voices out near me i thought that they had found where I was and that they were looking to kill me so I wouldn’t tell anyone. I also have not had much experience not having a home I was only homeless for a very short period of time and it was very stressful on it’s own so I think that exaggerated the anxiety. I tried to put the experience behind me but I continue to have flashbacks and I have an excruciating just mind numbing fucking deathly fear now of HIV. A few months ago I got the balls to go to CVS pharmacy to get STD tested but the nurse refused to help me because I didn’t have my id at the time just a birth certificate and school ID and stuff like that. the CVS minute clinic helped me before without an ID and gave me antibiotics for an infection so at the time I just said that god or the universe or just the will of whatever life is was telling me I shouldn’t get tested. And I’ve been terrified since. It’s irrational I think that I have the fear of HIV because I asked them to use a condom and they both used a condom in me. That is mostly why I think I am experiencing more trauma and PTSD than I think I am from this experience. Because I’m still too scared to get tested. Ik when I get tested life will be so much easier and I’m almost sure I’ll be negative but I’m terrified. I’ve gone through a lottttttttt of stuff that has caused me trauma and PTSD that I’m now only started to fully realize as I’m starting to sober up in life. But I’m just not sure about this I had never really wanted to look as this experience as rape but like I was I was fucking violently raped by 2 guys who shot up meth. I think seeing the IV use also caused a lot of the trauma for some reason that’s the main flash back I get. Because I had never seen IV use before it made me very very nervous. I try not to blame them as I see what meth does to you it makes you sex hungry and emotionless and it doesn’t make them any better of a person there still unempathetic psychopaths but I try to atleast understand what was even happening. It still all feels like a blur to me. I never reported to the police bc I had no info on them at all, they used a condom, and I was abusing 2 substances. Also the district of police I was in I believed would judge me as they know my mother and brother who are both schizophrenics who contact them a lot. Idk I just blurted a lot of stuff but I don’t have a therapist and idek whenever I get sober shit like this starts popping up in my head again idk. Idek why I’m making this post I’m not sure what I’m trying to achieve like do I want someone to say go get STD tested? Do I want people to pity me? Do I want advice on how to deal with this? Do I want people to tell me to get help for it? Which btw fuck off if that’s ur solution it’s not that fucking easy I’ve tried. I work full time and I’m alone and my insurance does not cover any kind of mental health stuff. Recently I’ve heard I can go to my pcp for antidepressants and stuff but I don’t have a PCP anymore and I just can’t deal with it now. So just avoiding telling me to get help and if ur going to give me a definitive source I can 100% use in the Philadelphia/Mont co area. I am 19 years old now. Idk honestly im just sulking in withdrawals I always do shit like this bc I think writing helps put my mind off of stuff.

Background AnxietyQuestion

Part of all this for is having anxiety around people, it made me agoraphobic as well and no matter I always have some sort of anxiety around people now, even on good days it's like background anxiety. Like I'm just waiting for something to go wrong. Is there anyone else with a similar problem?

Does anyone get extreme anxiety is disgusted feelings at how sexualized teens are?

(Tw ofc) I’m afraid to post this because people in the past have been upset saying it’s not a big deal and not to look into it. But I feel like it’s so wrong? I mean in almost every show based around high school kids there’s sex scenes. And that’s the lower scale. There’s plenty of other examples too. I feel like “teens” are a whole category on porn apps. Which to me is terrifying and disgusting. Part of me worried that the titles are accurate and they are teens but I do know that’s my anxiety I at least hope so (I dont watch porn for this exact reason) I’m also always seeing people taking abt, “she finally turned 18” or people looking for someone as young as possible. And everyone is just okay with it? It’s so so scary to me. I guess my question is, is this my own trauma poking through? do you think it’s irrational? Maybe anyone can relate?

Sleep terrors/anxiety

Anyone experienced this and how to end them or ease it up? Sometimes I wake up and my body is automatically dysregulated from my sleep and I wake up throughout the night and my body is crazy tense. Exhausting.

Separation anxietyQuestion

Does anyone have friends or situations where leaving is the trigger? Intense panic at the end of something that feels good and safe? It's almost enough to ruin the experience and I hate it. 😣 Any ideas or rituals that help you?

24/7 Anxiety

For as long as I can remember I’ve had this perpetual tight feeling in my chest, like my nervous system is ALWAYS fighting inside my chest. I take anti depressants and anxiety medication and I practise a lot of deep breathing but it’s always there, even when I’m relaxed and alone. I just wanted to know is that normal? Are some of us just prone to this forever or can it be stopped?

Cptsd/anxiety/ADHD looking for the right medication or some relief for my anxietyQuestion

Hi all! I am currently on Adderall XR 30mg and Cymbalta 120mg, along with clonodine (anxiety) and trazodone for sleep. For a long time the sleep medication wasn't enough and I had a really hard time winding down for sleep without smoking marijuana. I'm currently trying to stop or wean back at least on the weed since it does impact brain fog and can worsen my ADHD if I smoke in the day. But I am really struggling without it!! I've come to realize that my Cymbalta and clonodine aren't doing enough for me because I'm pretty anxious, irritable, and tense on the daily. I've tried so many meds for my anxiety, ssri's, snri's, even a small dose of Seroquel recently. Nothing helps!! Does anyone have similar diagnoses or experience trying to wean off weed or manage their cptsd and anxiety? Any supplement or medication pointers, or advice? Thank you so much!

Best anti-anxiety medications?

I’ve been on Prozac, Effexor, Seroquel, Buspirone over the past three years and nothing seemed to help. I have a lot of anxiety due to trauma from my childhood best friend and my babysitter which turned into a social phobia. I can’t look people in the eye for more than two seconds without shooting my head down. I can barely even walk past someone on the street without unintentionally holding my breath along with many other things. My anxiety has ruined my life and it has never changed and keeps getting worse. I might be trying paxil but I keep seeing mixed reviews. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great!