Me too, here. For what it’s worth I’ve been looking into natural supplements to aid in getting off of it, and N-Acetyl Carnitine supposedly really helps!

I struggle with putting myself above others. Especially on social media I feel like it’s so easy to get overloaded with the negativity of the world and forget compassion or how others are feeling when I’m struggling with my own feelings.

Hey, I have nothing to add per se but definitely look into if when you feel good aligns with ovulation time for you and your hormone cycle!

Can we talk about the NIPPLES AND NIPPLE PIERCING SHE TRIES SO HARD TO SHOVE IN OUR FACES in s see through shirt for a reel

YES 100%. Humans can't see the heart. Only God can and he is a god of love. Judging another when there's no way you know their heart can be so hurtful. I have met so many people who have been harshly and unfairly judged by "Christians" and it turned them off from God altogether. There's no way to reconcile that, so I see judging another as self righteous.

Also, learn how to flirt!!!! Don't be afraid to flirt a little with a light touch, it engages with people I think and especially nowadays a beautiful woman be intimidating to break the ice with! That will be a green flag to invite in generous people :)

Girl yes!!! Look up on YouTube "how to get princess treatment", I watched a handful of those and they are insightful. I also love the youtube creator manifestelle, she comments on our current dating market and talks about how we can use our inherent value as women and our beauty to gain things too in a patriarchal society and how to do so! I would also really reccomend reading The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene! And this is just me but I think having a really good energy and confidence and a laugh about you really attracts others to you and makes you magnetic and I think that is also key!

I don't have a sub rec but I would looove to know the same if anyone's got one! And if not can we start it hehe

Make sure to try to overall have a balanced plate protein, fat AND carbs or you will feel like something is missing and not fully satiated! Also make sure you are getting enough water, duh, if you like tea it's just as good and a great way to make water more interesting :-) Also, I've seen something about if you always crave a certain thing or go crazy with sweets for example (my experience) it can point towards a nutritional deficiency!!! I would look into that as well :-) If you struggle with self control really bad, maybe too you could try doing two large meals a day vs 3 and sub out a healthy snack?

The way I would have a mommy BINDER if they rolled out weed coupons

I would LOVE to reccomend DACEY CASH (edit: youtube) for very in detailed product reviews and swatches consistently for years!

I don't watch the show but Ashley has always stunned me

That was the first thing that jumped out to me, rather than any improvements, is how gorgeous you are!!

Hi! I just wanna say that really my only feedback is skin and I know that can be a nightmare to try to get under control! <3 Personally for me, though my problem is dryness and congestion more than active breakouts, is putting the focus on GENTLE Calming products for skin and hydration, less is more I think! The ordinary Lactic Acid or niacinimide is all I use along with thick hydration to achieve this. But I wanted to say, holy shit you are GORGEOUS!!! You have beautiful model features, gorgeous eyes and hair, lips, face, everything! You have some beautiful features!

The house keeper is slacking

Girl you should see my bathroom

There are levels though just like salsa, spicy medium and mild. Everyone has their preference