Thank you for this! šŸ©· Iā€™m happy to hear that self-care stuff actually does make a difference, Iā€™m pretty new on actually paying attention to my needs and emotions so I feel so lost on how to self-soothe.

I have been on my meds a long time. Maybe I will bring that up at my next appointment, they could have possibly lost the effect they used to have. Thank you for your response šŸ©·

24/7 Anxiety

For as long as I can remember Iā€™ve had this perpetual tight feeling in my chest, like my nervous system is ALWAYS fighting inside my chest. I take anti depressants and anxiety medication and I practise a lot of deep breathing but itā€™s always there, even when Iā€™m relaxed and alone. I just wanted to know is that normal? Are some of us just prone to this forever or can it be stopped?


Iā€™m thankful you broached this subject actually because I noticed a lot lately how my dad and grandpa act with my niece, like you said they seem so playful and loving towards her and it made me invalidate myself again. But youā€™re right! They really do check out once you exit that stage.

Very much relate! My parents also divorced when I was around 10/11, their relationship was so weird! I canā€™t recall them being touchy or loving in any way towards each other. Even the way they interact now is so funny to me, itā€™s the coldness you describe. Itā€™s like how on earth were you two literally a couple?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I notice that my grandparents relationship is similar though, really does make you think.

I donā€™t really understand why being selfless is always related to being a good person. Iā€™ve spent my entire life giving to others, people pleasing, burying all of my needs and desires and emotions to accommodate others and make sure everyone else is okay and it absolutely ruined me to my core. As someone who is sensitive and empathetic to extreme degrees it actually messed up those parts of me by being that giving. Itā€™s much easier to be a good person and help others when you also know how to be good for yourself and know whatā€™s bad for you and when not to over exert yourself etc. You also only really know your values when you give more to yourself. So I kinda donā€™t rate total selflessness anymore. I think this concept must have been invented by people that are convinced having self-respect or a degree of self-love means youā€™re bad or narcissistic. Idk

Thanks for your insight, I relate a lot, I was also a difficult baby, I screamed pretty much all the time. Probably some kind of sensory overload thing due to being sensitive. It is interesting how much sensitivity can manifest different ways to experiencing trauma.

Also if youā€™re someone like me who gets bored of doing the same one thing every day and that makes you more likely to give up, change it daily but keep the activity doable. For example tomorrow Iā€™m going to put my phone down for 5 minutes and close my eyes and pay attention to feelings in my body or simply sit in silence and feel uncomfortable for a while to make space for that without trying to get rid of it.

I feel exactly the same, friend. The only thing that does help me at the moment is to literally give myself ONE small thing to do everyday. I always end up making a bigger list and then keep falling back to square one of not being able to cope. I think we have to be patient and compassionate with ourselves and praise ourselves for super small things rather than judge ourselves for not being able to do many things at once. For me, doing a 5 minute workout today was amazing, I have to be proud of myself. Other people being able to do more doesnā€™t make my small feat something negative. In fact to me itā€™s not even a small feat, itā€™s huge. Because this is my life and timeline without comparison. Other people arenā€™t paralysed with a multitude of other stressors and have entirely different life experiences and mental states therefore their capabilities are different. Try to recognise when youā€™re judging yourself or comparing and replace the voice with compassionate words. You really are doing amazing, to cope with what you do, to be this overwhelmed but still here and attempting things, is MASSIVE.

Why are most of our parents content in their lives? nsfw

Upon learning about emotional neglect and the way itā€™s passed down from parents to children throughout generations, Iā€™m always wondering why Iā€™m the only one suffering enough to actually have to root out what the problem has been. Iā€™ve endured so much pain and isolation in my life that I canā€™t comprehend how my parents live normal sociable lives whilst Iā€™m riddled with attachment issues, an eating disorder, anxiety disorders, anhedonia and possible personality disorder. I canā€™t fathom how theyā€™ve clearly been emotionally neglected and abused in some way yet they donā€™t suffer to the point they canā€™t live their lives and theyā€™re able to have friends and relationships.

Could it be because Iā€™m also highly sensitive? I know thatā€™s based in genetics. I also have a lot of shame because of growing up a lesbian so idk if that somewhat makes emotional neglect worse because I already feel like I donā€™t belong in the world because Iā€™m different. I spoke to my brother recently and he definitely suffers and agrees about our parents shortcomings, but he said heā€™s never found relationships a problem, he has a girlfriend and child and heā€™s relatively happy. Iā€™m sort of obsessed with trying to work out why Iā€™m so avoidant in life and it keeps playing with my mind, it makes me blame myself a lot because idk why I seem to be on the extreme end of suffering and isolation whilst others with bad trauma still live somewhat.

Do you guys think parents just donā€™t have the insight of mental health due to growing up in a different time? Iā€™m pretty sure my grandparents raised my mum with the mindset that work is all that matters and didnā€™t nurture her emotionally but she is so unaffected by it.

A good thing about my mum is I know she does love me, she wants to help and offers all the time, I just think she isnā€™t emotionally equipped to help me the way I need, only the way she was taught. But she also has taken responsibility for my emotional neglect, she listens to me and doesnā€™t invalidate what I told her Iā€™m experiencing and suffering from. She feels bad that she allowed my alcoholic step dad to rule the house for so long and tells me she cant understand why she let that happen. I do trust her remorse because she is well meaning. Obviously that doesnā€™t make her suddenly emotionally available but she is definitely safe for me to be around. But what I canā€™t comprehend about her is she is soooo emotionless in terms of how she never seems to get depressed or upset, she is literally always content in life. Is that just a genes thing? I often tell her I donā€™t get why nothing phases her and sheā€™s so optimistic all the time, she says she doesnā€™t experience depression nor understand it. It super stunts me because Iā€™m likeā€¦.if she was also emotionally neglected why is there no impact?

My dad is an entire other story, I know he suffers but he is so painful to be around and so emotionally unavailable and harmful to my existence so I relish in the fact I donā€™t have to see him much. But the point still stands that although he has problems he still manages to live. Iā€™m so bitter I just want to experience a relationship or motivation to do ANYTHING but Iā€™m plagued with emotional problems. All of these people get up and go to work and have social lives meanwhile most of my life I hide away in my bedroom.

Thank you friend it definitely helps to know there is others šŸ©·

I have always related a lot to autistic traits. Is it possible to heal autism? Or get therapy for? Or is it something you learn to manage rather than heal?

Thanks šŸ©· youā€™ve helped so much, just to know what kind of direction to go in has made a big difference for me already.

Thank you, this comment made me hopeful šŸ„ŗ

Oh donā€™t worry I didnā€™t assume you meant it negatively, youā€™ve been super kind and helpful to me! Iā€™m actually relieved people are telling me about a diagnosis Iā€™ve considered because I used to think it was all in my head and I was being dramatic, but to have it recognised is nice. I think I am actually too self-aware which is a problem for me too, I intellectualise everything I go through and everything I know about myself rather than work on healing the emotions and nervous system. I just need slow exposure to all of my fears and to realise the thoughts and shame canā€™t actually hurt me.

Iā€™d love to talk to you more! Your brain sounds awesome šŸ¤©

I also have an Autism or ADHD suspicion, thatā€™s also what makes my mess worse haha idk what to say to a doctor and I think theyā€™d believe I sound crazy if I start listing all of these diagnosis I think I have. If I relate to every symptom of AvPD, Autism, ADHD , OCD, and CPTSD attachment problems, I literally have no idea what to ask a doctor or therapist for :( I guess Iā€™ll have to trauma dump and let them try and work it out. I sort of wish they had general therapists but thereā€™s so many specific therapy types now that Iā€™m worried Iā€™ll just go to the wrong one and not be tackling the right issue.

I really appreciate your responses and your wisdom and your work on yourself is really incredible šŸ„ŗ I feel very proud of you even as a stranger.

Thank you, it does help to know others have experiences similar to me, although Iā€™m sad you have to go through this too. šŸ©·

I know therapy is the answer, I think Iā€™m just so lost on what type of therapy to even look for because I have so many issues, Iā€™m in between OCD therapists rn but they donā€™t help with attachment issues, and if I got therapy for attachment issues would that help with confidence and depression? Or are those gonna have to be separate therapists too? All of my issues impact my life a lot and it feels overwhelming not knowing where to begin. And then I realise my age again and know by the time Iā€™m ā€œhealedā€ itā€™ll probably be another decade and the shame and shut down is back. I just wish I knew why Iā€™m so abnormal and itā€™s so uncommon to be as messed up as I am without having even experienced valid trauma. Everyone I meet who claims they have my issues with depression and anxiety have partners and lives. Itā€™s very alienating. I do consider that I just have that rare disorder of AvPD so it feels like Iā€™m cursed.

I did always consider AvPD but I used to talk myself out of it because it seems so rare and Iā€™d have to accept I really am an alien and for no reason šŸ˜‚ bc I donā€™t consider my life traumatic to cause such a rare disorder in me. But Iā€™m definitely gonna look into this more!

Thank you for your comment šŸ©·

Is something innately wrong with me? nsfwSex and dating

I have known Iā€™m a lesbian all of my life but Iā€™ve never had sex (with men or women) or any kind of physical relationship. I donā€™t want to say my age but letā€™s just say itā€™s abnormal in the world population to have no experience at this age.

I have had depression and anxiety all of my life, I isolated myself during my young years, I think there is something seriously wrong with me because I wasnā€™t abused or anything, yet I have this gigantic fear of intimacy, relationships and life in general. Even the relationships I had online/long distance I would keep sabotaging and I had bad intrusive thoughts about every potential partner.

The thing is, I do think Iā€™m attractive, I recently had an opportunity to date my dream woman and I know if I actually went outside I could be liked, but there is something seriously so alien about me where I just canā€™t DO IT. I sabotaged a chance with my dream woman because my intrusive thoughts started and I got terrified of being seen. Even people with social anxiety have relationships and kisses, I donā€™t feel human because itā€™s so rare. Why is it rare to not have these experiences? That shows that Iā€™m barely human. I donā€™t feel like most people at all :(

I donā€™t know what advice Iā€™m after here, even reassurance or pity wouldnā€™t take away this innate feeling of being an alien. Humans mostly engage in these activities, itā€™s what makes us human. But I think I mostly want help on how to deal with the shame and embarrassment? If I ever did meet someone in the future Iā€™m not the type to lie, Iā€™d have to tell them Iā€™ve never done anything, and the thought of that makes me want to give up forever because itā€™s so cringy, itā€™s a giant red flag and itā€™s right to be! Because it does indicate Iā€™m a messed up person.

I didnā€™t say there is anything wrong with it lol this question is asking what everyoneā€™s turn offs are, thatā€™s just mine personally.

ā€œMe and my boyfriend are looking for a thirdā€ šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©

Both people in relationships will have their own wants and needs and itā€™s up to each individual relationship to decide what they compromise on and what would be a dealbreaker, itā€™s truly up to you in what you are/arenā€™t willing to accept in a relationship. Some people want to build a life with their partner and require two incomes, some people really donā€™t care, there are so many options, itā€™s your decision.

If you donā€™t mind me asking. What sort of therapy would you recommend? I never know what type of therapist to seek out for attachment issues and trauma, my doctors always give me CBT therapists but Iā€™m not sure whether theyā€™d be a right fit?