A conversation with my mom recently brought back a flood of memories.

I've been wanting to dye my hair for a while. I like my natural color but I've been experimenting with my style and would like to experiment with my hair as well. I figure if I don't like it, it will grow out. I could stick to temporary dyes that only last a few washes. I don't even have to bleach, I could just stick with jewel tones. I played around with some TikTok filters and found some colors I like.

I mentioned this to my mom and she didn't outright tell me I couldn't (she can't tell me that, I'm 26 and have lived on my own for a year). However, she started listing off all the terrible things that could go wrong, citing my rebellious younger sibling's hair dying experiments as an example. They bleach their hair like crazy which I guess messed up their follicles? So Mom said that there's no guarantee that regular dye won't do the same thing, and what if it doesn't wash out, and what if the color comes out wrong, and what if my hair suddenly grows back a different color, and-

There have been so many times in my life where I have wanted to do something and my parents have said "well you *could,* but have you considered all the risks?" and list the absolute worst case scenarios. I've started doing it on my own. It's taken a long time to even begin to take risks and Mom just set my progress back so much.

And of course they constantly tease me for not "just doing" things and overthinking everything. My mom constantly shares memes to my page about overthinking. My sibling makes snide comments about me being a cautious driver and being so slow to get my license.

I know they're "just overprotective" but to me it just reads as controlling. Maybe that puts me in the wrong. idk.