
I know you wanted to help, but that was really not smart. Something that bad needed to be checked out and tested by a doctor, in case she needed antibiotics or it was actually a cyst. You definitely should not have done anything without getting a response from her mother. If the pain was unbearable for your cousin and you couldn't reach your aunt, then taking her to an emergency clinic would've been better than handling it yourself. You don't know if what you did caused any issues, and the procedure might've been less painful for your cousin if a doctor had done it. I think you can apologize for being reckless.

All that being said: The fact that her mother knew about this and didn't take her to the doctor is insane, so at the very least, I hope that she'll listen to her child the next time something is wrong now that this happened.

NTA. Your brother shouldn't dish out what he can't take, and he was being a douche. Hopefully he'll keep his thoughts to himself next time.

NTA. I think Thomas is acting a little entitled and needs to let it go. You did nothing wrong.

Also; if he's mad you weren't thinking of him, then how is him wanting you to offer to switch seats thinking of you? Marriage was a two-way street, last time I checked lol.

You obsessed with me or something? You bring this up a lot and it's kind of creepy...

Assuming that this is real and not inspired by that one scene in Good Will Hunting, I'm actually concerned for your wife's health. It's not normal to need to fart that much. She could have a problem in her digestive tract and should see a doctor asap.

It's also possible that she can't help if she does it in front of other people; i.e. she doesn't have full control of her bowels because of whatever is going on. Please don't tell her you feel disgusted, because she's probably very insecure about it and that will just hurt her. Definitely suggest seeing a doctor, though.

Nah, I think you have the right to feel a little insulted. When someone says "I don't want to be with a girl/guy who sleeps with someone on the first date," it comes off as a little condescending. At the same time, he has the right to look for what he wants, and he told you the truth. It's just a shitty thing to hear. He also could've told you at the time that he wanted to wait.

Point being that yeah, it's an insulting thing to hear, but I wouldn't take it personally. At the end of the day, he wasn't the right guy for you.

Fellow autistic here. Sorry this is happening to you. ❤️

Honestly, you could just answer with, "Well, considering that I actually am autistic, that makes perfect sense." If they laugh because they think you're going along with the "joke," you can say seriously, "No for real, I am autistic."

If they have even a little bit of conscience, they'll pause for a minute and feel awkward before leaving, and they may not bring it up again. If they continue to berate you, walk away. I used to game online with some people, and early on, one guy would say things like, "Oh man sorry my headset is being autistic." I made a point somewhere in the conversation of saying that I'm autistic, and I never heard him say that again.

While technically, you do have a right to ask them not to block your driveway or walkway (even with police involvement), I think the reason they're driving their kids to the bus stop is nobody's business.

If those boys have parents like mine, it's probably because they've heard horror stories of kids getting attacked or kidnapped (even in high school), and don't want to risk it. Is it overprotective? Sure. Is it anyone's business? No. You have the right to ask them to leave your property, but it isn't fair for you to make this into an issue about men being "pansy boys" when you don't know the full story.

But also, tickling that leaves bruises?? That sets off some additional alarm bells.

Him: "You're taking away something that makes me feel safe and comfortable in our relationship."

Responses I might use if it was me:

"Well it's making me feel very unsafe and uncomfortable in our relationship. You can find another term of endearment to call me, it's not rocket science."

"Well too f-ing bad."

"Okay. Why don't I start calling you Tiny Tim instead?"

K so being real, the second two are probably not the smartest things to say (I'm just being petty lol). But seriously, he is incredibly dumb if he doesn't realize why calling you a name that you hate should not be a thing that makes him feel safe and comfortable... That, and the fact that no one, least of all pregnant or post partum women, enjoys being called Chubby. He's being incredibly dense. You shouldn't have to write him a letter; he should simply stop calling you a name you don't like. I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate it if the roles were reversed.

"Well, the truth is that I have a contagious disease called MIND YOUR BUSINESS-ITIS."

NTA. You did the right thing. Not only was she cruel, but you asked her to stop multiple times, and she refused. There isn't such a thing as a mean girl phase. What your daughter was doing is bullying, and her grandmother is only enabling her if she acts like it wasn't that bad.

It might also be good for your daughter to speak with a therapist. Usually, when children act out like this, there are reasons for it. Maybe she's trying to fit in with some mean girls at school, maybe something is going on at home, etc. If you can't get her to talk to you about it, maybe she'll open up to a therapist.

Living in a country locked in a war will always be unsafe, and I can't even imagine how devastating it feels to think about leaving your home and family...

In World War II, they sent the children in the UK out to the countryside, where the Germans weren't dropping any bombs (or at least not as many). They did that to keep the children safe, even though it meant separating them from their families. Sometimes, you do need to make painful decisions and sacrifices for the sake of your children. I don't live in Israel, so I can't comment on how safe or unsafe it really is right now, but if I had kids and lived there, knowing that war was quite literally on our front doorstep... I think at that point, I would make the painful decision to move if I could, and to return when things were better.

You actually do live there, so you have a better idea of exactly how safe it is right now. If you feel in your gut that it isn't safe enough, talk to your wife again about leaving. It's a decision you can only make together. I'm sorry you're going through this. ❤️

"Better that than being married to your sorry ass. Hope your wife has some good lawyers."

Have you looked into what your options are if you keep the baby? I'm asking because from your post, it very much sounds like you want to keep it, but are in an incredibly tough position to do so. Maybe you could start a Go-Fund me, to ask for donations that will help your family? There could be a way to work it all out. I'm sorry you're in this position. ❤️

"Do you do anything aside from thinking about me sitting in my room all day?"

Hon... this is who he really is. I'm sure that he seems great other than this issue at the moment, but this is who he really is. If he's so health conscious, then he wouldn't be making comments that he knows are detrimental to your physical and mental health. He can't say he didn't know, because you've told him, more than once. His behaviour here is abusive, even if he really believes he's joking (which quite frankly I don't think he does).

I'm sorry you're in this situation, but I think the best thing for you would be to leave the relationship.

It's possible that the second thoughts you're having about sterilization mean you aren't ready to do it, which you do need to be. It's a permanent situation. It might be good to talk with a therapist and get to the bottom of whether you truly never want to have children, never want to go through pregnancy or if you might actually want those things, but are afraid of complications. I get it; I have a huge fear of accidental pregnancy and being in that situation, but it isn't enough to say that I will never want a child, in my case.

There are different options to explore. If you find that the real issue is pregnancy and not motherhood, then you can get sterilized and let your bf know that you would be open to adoption or surrogacy (you'd freeze your eggs in advance) someday. If the issue is both, then you need to be upfront that having kids is something that will never happen for him if you stay together. You won't know any of this, though, without taking the time to think. You have to be 150% behind your decision before permanently altering your body. And at the end of the day, it's your body and your decision, regardless of what your bf wants or thinks, which it seems like he understands. You just need to be honest with him and yourself about your choice. I wish you the best of luck. ❤️

Insults are the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Honestly, 30 is still young. I find that too many people rush into things in their 20s, and it doesn't always work out because of just how much you change during that period. When I was a teenager, I remember planning out that I would "get married at 28 and have kids by 30." I'm 30 now and neither of those things have happened... and honestly, I'm glad. I do want children, but I'm not ready right now. I need more time, and I need to meet the right person. Women might have a biological clock that men don't, sure, but I'd rather stay single than rush into it with the wrong person just to have kids; the outcome of which isn't good for you, your spouse or the kids.

AGREED. OP, do not get rid of your cat. Your husband is striking a defenseless animal... Imagine how you'd react if he did that to your child, because unfortunately, that's where this is going. If you were pregnant and alone, I'd bet money on your cat not acting up at all.

I'm just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, so I took the midnight train going anywhere.

So your wife is TA in this whole situation for sure. However, Laurel has been through enough. I'm all about people not lying to their kids, but I think in this situation, it should be Laurel's call if she doesn't want them to know for now (or at least in the first little while of meeting them). Give the poor girl a minute to breathe and settle in before telling them.