So I (20f) went to babysit my cousin Lisa (fake name 13f) over the weekend. Around noon my cousin asked me to look at a pimple on her back. Lisa explained that her mother my aunt wanted her to leave it alone, but over the past week it’s became pain to lean against anything.

I agreed and had her sit at the dining table. When I pulled up her shirt I saw a giant hamster sized pimple on her back. It was so swollen and had a white tip meaning it was ready to pop. Now I’ve suffered with bad acne all my life but this was new even to me. I suggested to take a picture and send it to her mother before doing anything. Lisa agreed but still wanted me yo do something about it.

And I agreed that if her mother didn’t text me back in a few hours then I’ll pop it myself.

Well I sent the picture and texted my aunt explaining that I planned on popping it if she didn’t get back to me by 2.

She did not get back to me.

So I grabbed a box of Alcohol wipes, bandages and q-tips along with a blue diabetic needle the small ones to help test your blood sugar. If you know you know. Anyways I explained what I was gonna do before I leaned Lisa against the dining table and cleaned the area. Before taking the needle and punctured the pimple puss immediately started pouring out. I took a q-tip and whipped up some puss smelling it before leaning in and sniffing the pimple it self. Luckily there was no smell.

I continued squeezing the puss out saying there was a lot would be an understatement. Eventually I stopped after a minute because of Lisa’s begging do to the pain. So I stopped and cleaned her back again before touching the pimple feeling something hard still under her skin. I apologize to Lisa before violating pushing down on her back and removing a hard piece of puss. Blood began to drip from the bigger hole so I cleaned it again before putting on a bandage.

Lisa complained about soreness and took an aleve from the bathroom.

Her mother came home three hours later. She immediately went to check on her daughter but when Lisa explained what happened my aunt lost it.

It turned into a huge argument where my aunt accused me of being immature and stupid for preforming a medical procedure with her permission.

I explained to my aunt that I’ve done it before on my self and that it was safe.

She went on to scream that I was supposed to be the adult in this situation. And Lisa had no idea what she was getting into. I just left arguing with my aunt is like fighting a brick wall.

I talked to my mom about it today and she said I should’ve just apologized. All I wanted to do was help Lisa if I ignored her I felt that would translate to me not caring. Now I wanna know if I’m the asshole for helping Lisa?