What role? My advice for dps any way is pick only 2-3 characters, and work on fundamentals. 5 minutes of vaxta everyday before play, then jump straight into ranked. Don’t let comp anxiety stop you. Focus on one thing at a time, positioning, space, target priority, cooldown usage, and there’s many other things, but only work on one thing a day. Keep doing this and you’ll improve over time. If you lose the game that’s fine as long as you e succeeded in that thing your focusing on, you’ll notice your win rate go up as you become good at these skills, and they become apart of your natural decision making

A list is great at just - or to movie a month, plus if you get food and stuff the money back is even better

You’re right , it’s an unpopular opinion. Good job

YTA, have a better sit down conversation and go over expectations of time. Holding things in and then blowing up is just, toxic,both of yall are wrong

Change your left stick inner dead zone to .1, and set it to override

Definitely need a good Koji and boruto team up fight vs kawaki and delta

Just find a group on whatever platform and make sure your all newish

It’s just boruto plain and simple, the stuff he can do without any training blows past half the list. Then look at him in TBV, his skills are clearly above all others in totality.

Just don’t get married, marriage is about coming under union and one name to make a family. To not take his name is just weird and disrespectful

Before you start drinking drink a whole like 20oz of coconut water, then as your drinking, drink a whole water bottle every hour, then before you go to bed, drink another 20oz coconut water. No hangover, and you’ll be ready to go again the next day bright and early , trust me !

Are you sure you don’t spend too much time with him. I doubt he does this everyday, how often do you bug him vs how many days does he see you?

She doesn’t want equality, so stop treating her equally, look out for yourself, only pay for your stuff and eventually when she’s sick of it , find a new girl. 50/50 doesn’t work

Don’t meet her alone!! Bring people with cameras !! Safety first bro!! Don’t fuck up

Look , it’s definitely a big lie. I understand the “hold” cause I’ve gone through similar, but my girl was honest with me from the beginning and let me know she needed time to ween off, and it was my decision to wait or not. Very bothersome she lied to you. I guess if it doesn’t bother you that’s fine, but that’s definitely a huge blow to the loyalty aspect of your relationship, Regardless how long ago it was , it speaks to what she’s capable of, especially the cheating, talking is one thing, cheating is unreal

Did you find evidence of her cheating on you during your relationship? Emotional or physical? Or nah just old stuff you never knew

Look your husband or boyfriend wants a girl he can have all to himself, feel free to pursue your hobby, but he doesn’t wants girl who is out there like that, let him go, so he can find that girl. And you can go find someone who’s okay with that, simple. I would not be okay with it either, but no reason to stop you, just seperate

Hope you didn’t marry her, wrong person. Set your boundaries strongly, don’t try to justify it, just let her know this is soemthing you need for you and that’s that.